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Starting a FAn Fiction, looking for characters

Jc Draken

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I guess I can submit to this...


Anomu13's Fan-Fic Application:


Account Name: Anomu13

Character's Info: An innocent duelist, with a Dark corruption

Name: Sario Ojima

Age: 18

Height: all physical appearence info in attached file.

Weight: all physical appearence info in attached file.

Sex: Male

Blood Type: 0-Negative (lol, band name)

Hair Color: all physical appearence info in attached file.

Eye Color: all physical appearence info in attached file.

Skin Color: all physical appearence info in attached file.

Deck Theme: Rise of the Dragon Lords (Modified)

Deck: [spoiler=Sario's Decklist]Monsters..

Tyant Dragon x2

Ultimate Tyranno

Dark Blade

DarkBlaze Dragon

Decoy Dragon x2

Raging Flame Sprite

Element Dragon

Felgrand Dragon x2

Maha Vailo

Masked Dragon x3

Luster Dragon x3

Herald of Creation

Kaiser Seahorse x3

The Creater Incarnate



Axe of Dispair

Big Bang Shot

Double Summon

Dragon's Gunfire


Foolish Burial

Lightning Vortex x2


Premature Burial

Card Trader

United We Stand



Call of the Haunted

Coffin Seller

Draining Shield x2

Dust Tornado

Final Attack Orders

Just Deserts

Magic Cylinder

Magic Jammer

Sakurestzu Armor x2

Secret Barrel

Staunch Defender

Trap Jammer


School Clothesactually color): Black

Game clothes: Black

Character's Past/ Other Important Information: Has been possessed by the Dark Felgrand sense he first got his deck, which he was 10 years old when he did, no the Dark Felgrand wishes to be released. But the onlt way he can be released, is by obtaining 3 "Felgrand Dragon"s. His intention after release, is to cause havok on the humans becuase he feels mocked by the fact that humans use the duel monster spirits as a card game.


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that is spam... both of your posts are utter spam. neg rep.


Double Neg Rep' date=' 1 for insulting everyone, and 1 for calling me a spammer when i did not spam (and it insulted me), and i would give you another Neg rep for spamming twice, but i'll let you go on those



i did not insult anyone. I just stated that you had posted something that had absolutely nothing to do with this fan fiction. that is spam. who did i insult???

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that is spam... both of your posts are utter spam. neg rep.


Double Neg Rep' date=' 1 for insulting everyone, and 1 for calling me a spammer when i did not spam (and it insulted me), and i would give you another Neg rep for spamming twice, but i'll let you go on those



i did not insult anyone. I just stated that you had posted something that had absolutely nothing to do with this fan fiction. that is spam. who did i insult???


First, the first post had something to do with my character and spirit, second post was aimed at you because you were making fun of JC and Zillaz, second, you were trying to insult JC and Zillaz, and i was trying to help them out, then you insult me, and third, calling people spammers on a thread is spam, try PMing them if they are spamming

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Account Name: Dodgibishi2

Character's Info: Calm, Loner.

Name: Ronnie Darrell Brooks.

Age: 23.

Height: 6' 3''

Weight: 196,3 Ibs.

Sex: Male.

Blood Type: O.

Hair Color: Red.

Eye Color: Grey.

Skin Color: Tanned.

Deck Theme: Summoning Gladiator Beast fusions.

Deck: Gladiator Beast.

School Clothes: Blue.

Game clothes: Teal vest, white shirt, navy blue boots, denim blue jeans and dodge blue gloves.

Character's Past/ Other Important Information: Adopted, Allergic to smoke.

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My Deck:

Jc's Deck

(*- monster cards that are changed out at differet time, 6 of them in the deck at a time)

(**-spell & trap cards that are changed out at differet time, 5 of them in the deck at a time)

Monster Cards:

3x Blues Eyes White Dragon

2x Red Eyes Black Dragon

Red Eyes Darkness Dragon

Red Eyes Black Chick

3x Raptor Pack Dagon

2x Solar Flare Dragon

2x Buring Solar Flare Dragon

3x Sunflara, the Mother of Dragons

Sunflara's True Form

2x Grey Wing

2x Raging Grey Wing

2x Lord of D.

3x Masked Dragon

Felgrand Dragon

*Darkblaze Dragon

*White-Horned Dragon

*Van' Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord

*Diaboloes, King of the Abyss

*Victroy Dragon

*(Extra) Red Eyes Black Dragon

*Inferonus, Sunflara's Son

*Tyrant Dragon



Spell & Trap Cards

2x The Flute of Summoning Dragon


Deltra Attacker

Monster Reborn

Call of the Haunted

Soul Resurrection

2x Level Conversion Lab

Spellblinding Circle

Nutrient Z

Dragon's Roar

Burst Breath

Secret Barrel

Abhesion Trap Hole

3x Breeding Season

3x Dragon Breeding Ground

**Return From Another Diminson

**Different Diminson

**Dragoon Bomber

**Burst Stream of Destruction

**Inferno Fire Blast

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Account Name:Zeo Daniels

Character's Info:

Name:Blaster Zhane


Height:7 foot

Weight:1 pound


Blood Type:Bombady (Rare)














Hair Color:Red,Green,Silver

Eye Color:Green (Left) Red (Right)

Skin Color:White

Deck Theme:Elemetal Hero

Deck:Elemental Exodia Blaster

School Clothesactually color:Solid Gold

Game clothes:RED

Character's Past/ Other Important Information:Orphane.Account Name:

Character's Info:






Blood Type:

Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Skin Color:

Deck Theme:


School Clothesactually color)

Game clothes:

Character's Past/ Other Important Information:

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Account Name: Yugioh master1993

Characters info: has a devilish past and is not known for what he has done to innocent deulers.

Name: Raven Gonzalex

Age: 17

Height: 7" 5'

Weight: 194,2 lbs

Sex: Male

Blood type: Devilish (Unknown)

Hair Colour:Black and Red

Eye Colour:Red

Skin Colour:White (tanned greatly, or light brown)

Deck Theme:Wiping out the Opponent by using "Destroyers".

Deck:Black Elementals (my deck in the making)

Clothes Colour:Black and Silver lines.

Game Clothes Colour:Black singlet, black and gold jacket, Black pants, Black shoes, (Sometimes when not dueling he wears small reading glasses [will explain why he has glasses later] ).

Characters past:Unkown

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Account Name:Demonduel

Character's Info:

Name:Raith Allen



Weight:162,8 ibs


Blood Type:B-

Hair Color:Black

Eye Color:blue

Skin Color:white but taned

Deck Theme:zombies with magic and trap cards to bring the monsters back


School Clothesactually color: Yellow

Game clothes:Black sweater with hood, blue jeans and black shoes

Character's Past/ Other Important Information: He is a loner and does nothing but collegt great cards for his deck to defeat his enemies, He has the greatest zombie deck in the school

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[if someone could tell me how to Hide text, like the boxes you gues have, please tell.]


Account Name: Nightfallen

Character's Info:

Name: Elzedar Ander

Age: 16

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 114 lb

Sex: Male

Blood Type: O-

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Black

Skin Color: Fair

Deck Theme: Fairy/Counter Trap



Monster Cards:

x3 Sky Saint Meltius

x3 Wisdon Amgel Harvest

x3 Madura

x2 Spirit of Victroy Freya

x2 Boundful Armstress

x2 Geruen Duo

x2 Kelbek

x2 Air Knight Parshath

x1 Air Knight Neo Parshath


Spell Cards

x3 Sactuary in the Sky

x2 Certus of Dagla

x2 Nobalman of Crossout

x2 Tranceforming

x1 Swords of Revealing Light

x1 Mystical Space Typhone


Trap Cards

x3 Negate Attack

x3 Forced Back

x2 Divine Wrath

x2 Magic Drain

x1 Magic Jammer


School color: Red

Game clothes: School Cloths

Character's Bio: Elzedar's Father was a great Duelist. He learned everything he know about the game from his father and even got his style from him. Although he is was never as good as his father, he tryed his best anyway. When his father past away, he was devistated. He wished that he ahden't died, but what was done could not be changed. He wished that one day he would be as good as His father. He feel's as if his father is close to him when he duels, guiding his moves. That is the reason he duels, to feel close to his father, and one day be as good as he was. .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Episode Guide

Esp.1: Meet the Gang- Meet the main characters, entry duels to show characters deck of some the characters

Esp.2: Cruising for a Bruising- Jc and a pattern fight in a double duel to get credit, order classes on going well

Esp.3: Invasion Part1- Aliens (cards) come in the middle of the night to take more test subjects, we must stop them

Esp.4: Invasion Part2- Aliens (cards) come in the middle of the night to take more test subjects, we must stop them

Esp.5: The Games Begin- the Holo Charmer Pods are up and running, the gang starts their character in the Monster Realm

Esp.6: Dispense-

Esp.7: Game Canceled-

Esp.8: A New world

Esp.9: Things Are to Real


need try duels if a have one to meet your character in esp 1

need characters to sign for esp2

ned everyone to pick a alien card to duel in esp 3

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  • 2 weeks later...

Account Name:eli664

Character's Info:

Name:Jason Carver





Blood Type:unkown

Hair Color:brownish black

Eye Color:blue

Skin Color:white

Deck Theme:zombie deck



Monster Cards:

x2 Vampires Curse

x2 Vampire Genesis

x3 Pyramid Turtle

x2 Ryu Kokki

x2 Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower

x2 Vampire Lord

x2 Despair from the Dark

x1 Dark Crusader

x1 Vampire Lady

x1Spirit Reaper

x1Nightmare horse

x1Reaper of the cards


Ritual monster cards

x3 Lycanthrope


fusion monster cards

x1Reaper on the Nightmare


Spell Cards

x2 Call of the mummy

x2 Wasteland

x2 Nobleman of Crossout

x2 Terraforming

x1 Swords of Revealing Light

x1 Mystical Space Typhoon



Ritual spell card

x3 Synthesis spell


Trap Cards

x3 Soul ressurection

x3 Shadow spell

x2 Ominous fortunetelling

x2 Tutan mask

x1 Dark coffin



School Clothes:red

Game clothes:black

Character's Past/ Other Important Information: mysterious past (he survived his house fire but his parents did not)

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My Character:

Account Name: Jack Witt

Character's Info: Short Tempered, but Honest and caring!!!

Name: Zantos

Age: 15

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 160 lbs

Sex: Male

Blood Type: O-

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Blue

Skin Color: White

Deck Theme: Burn/Volcanic Monsters

Deck: Volcano Deck

School Clothes: Normal American Cloths

Game clothes: Typical

Character's Past/ Other Important Information: Used to me the Minor League Champion for seven years running before coming too Duel Academy and working up the ranks, hates Ra Yellow students after they through him in the mud when he came to the school as a Slifer Red transfer student.


Deck List:


* 3x Blaze Accelerator

* 3x Blazing Inpachi

* 1x Firewall

* 1x Infernal Flame Emperor

* 1x Magic Cylinder

* 1x Mirror Force

* 1x Negate Attack

* 3x Tri-Blaze Accelerator

* 3x Volcanic Blaster

* 3x Volcanic Doomfire

* 3x Volcanic Hammerer

* 3x Volcanic Rat

* 3x Volcanic Recharge

* 3x Volcanic Rocket

* 3x Volcanic Scattershot

* 3x Volcanic Shell

* 3x Volcanic Slicer

* 3x Widespread Ruin

* 1x Wild Fire

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