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Koko's Custom Card Game. [KCCG]


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[spoiler=The point of this CCG]Have you ever thought to yourself "Wow, Yu-Gi-Oh! today is actually kinda boring. Everything's so confined into archetypes and just not the same as it used to be. I wish it could be like that again!" Then look no further than Koko's Custom Card Game! We strive to create a game where most cards are good and things that entirely "outclass" another card. As a result of this, cards will be constantly tampered with and changed as the game continues to evolve and get a bigger card pool.

There will be no "banlist" in this game, except for very rare situations. We will simply redesign the card so that it cannot be used in the way where it would need to be limited in some way, therefore making everyone happy as that card can still be played while being much healthier for it's environment.

Also, Normal Monsters do not exist in this game. We will be redesigning every Normal Monster to actually have some kind of usage!

Also Extra Deck monsters are permitted at the beginning. This is so that we can establish an appropriate power level before contributing more powerful things in.[/spoiler][spoiler=Set Structure]Set Structure in this game will be as follows:

100 cards per set
60 IRL cards, redesigned all to fit into a more suitable / slower environment.
25 anime-Exclusive cards, also redesigned to fit into a more suitable environment.
15 custom cards.

We will do a set per month. The first set will have double those ratios in order to create a cardpool that's appropriate for playing and diversity to occur.[/spoiler][spoiler=Tournament Structure and Dueling]We will be using Yugioh Virtual Dueling to play this format, as it is easier to use and far more convenient. As a result of this, you will obviously need to know how YVD works.

We will also be doing tournaments and the such later on, when the cardpool has been developed and interest has been picked up. Prizes for such will be determined closer to the time.[/spoiler][spoiler=Rules]1) Attempt to keep balance close to what's already been established in the game.
2) Every member will be required to contribute a bare minimum of 2 cards per set. If they fail to do this, they will be kicked out and not welcomed back into playing unless a proper reason is given.
3) All other club rules apply.
4) I hold liberty to add any more rules as I see fit.[/spoiler][spoiler=Application]Reason for joining:
Card you would like to see in the first set:[/spoiler][spoiler=Member list]1) Koko [Leader]

2) Emblem Black
3) GLaDOS[/spoiler]
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For reference. I don't really understand how people are confused..

It's telling me to download the game, then the cards for the game, then the images for the game, then an Image Update Pack, then a Token Pack.
Can't I just download the f**king game?!?
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It's telling me to download the game, then the cards for the game, then the images for the game, then an Image Update Pack, then a Token Pack.
Can't I just download the f**king game?!?

It's a CCG. We're remaking everything, so why would you need anything OTHER than the actual game? o o
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Just out of curiosity, and before I decide on if I want to join or not... Why would you want to remake all Normal monsters?
Not saying that's a bad thing or anything, I'm just curious as to why you would go about doing that.


Normal monsters inherently add nothing to the game.  They rely on other cards to make them worthwhile which is a waste of a card.  That's just how I see it though.

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So, you basically want to take the older monsters and give them effects, a la Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM?

Which was a great game at the start, until they started making the cards really OPed.

I got bored of that game after a while and I'm not going back to it for that reason.


Reason for joining: The idea sounds fun
Card you would like to see in the first set: Shapesnatch

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How is that a bad thing?

Lemme put it like this:


On one hand, you have Doomcaliber


On the other, you have Gemini Elf


Gemini Elf adds nothing to the game that Doomcaliber doesn't. It's less versatile, less powerful, and all around less useful, while filling a niche that Doomcaliber also fills.


Granted, Doomcal sacks itself, but the old example to use here was Rai-Oh, which Koonmai deemed detrimental for some reason.


This doesn't mean Doomcaliber is too good, it means that Elf doesn't do anything that other, better designed cards cannot do better.

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Lemme put it like this:
On one hand, you have Doomcaliber
On the other, you have Gemini Elf
Gemini Elf adds nothing to the game that Doomcaliber doesn't. It's less versatile, less powerful, and all around less useful, while filling a niche that Doomcaliber also fills.
Granted, Doomcal sacks itself, but the old example to use here was Rai-Oh, which Koonmai deemed detrimental for some reason.
This doesn't mean Doomcaliber is too good, it means that Elf doesn't do anything that other, better designed cards cannot do better.

But what about specific Normal monsters?
Like, say, Blue-Eyes with all of it's support, for example?
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Reason for joining: Want to see how well a reworked metagame can be.
Card you would like to see in the first set: The Level Monsters + Level Up!


For YVD, aren't the server duel function still broken? And hamachi is a pain to use.


Also, I believe anime exclusive cards and new cards ratio should be swapped, except if most of the similar/too specific plot device card would be completely reworked.

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