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WIND Machinas [Jan 14]


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x3 Armored Cybern

x1 Debris

x2  Force

x3 Fortress

x3 Gearframe

x2 Chameleon

x3 Meklord Army Skiel

x1 Tempest

x3 Tin Goldfish



x1 BoM

x1 Dark Hole

x1 Gold Sarc

x1 Limiter

x3 MST



x1 BTH

x3 Chaos Infinity

x1 Compulsory

x2 D.Prison

x1 Dust Tornado

x2 Fiendish Chain

x2 Mirror Force



x1 Crimson Blader

x1 Jeweled Red Dragon

x1 Stardust (b/c Starlight on the side)

x1 Abyss Dweller

x1 Beelzebuth (Exciton Knight)

x1 Gagaga Gunman (Cowboy)

x2 Gear Gigant

x1 King Feral Imp

x2 Chidori

x1 Dracossack

x1 S.H.Ark Knight

x1 Big Eye

x1 Crazy Box



x1 Burial from D.D.

x3 DDV

x1 EEV

x2 Imperial Iron

x2 Light-Imprisoning

x2 Mistake

x2 Shadow-Imprisoning

x1 Soul Drain

x1 Starlight[/spoiler]

Using Chaos Infinity + Skiel as an engine.

Tempest + Gold Sarc as a sort of mini-engine for searching Debris. If I draw Tempest or Debris before Gold Sarc, I can always use the Spell to search something else.

Running Force instead of Cannon because with Dragon Rulers gone, DDV might be used often.

I know Warning is virtually a staple, but I'm not running it because I'm not a fan of it.

x4 S/T hate looks like overkill, but I like to start with them and then side them out if the opponent is not backrow-heavy.


Also, I am looking for 2 decent cards for the Side: I put the 3rd DDV and Burial mostly as filler.

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I started with Cybern because I saw it on other decks and is a Debris target but as Armz already implied, using Debris with only 3 targets in the deck doesn't look right and it does have caused me troubles in my tests on DN (dead Debris on hand).


I did think in looking for a Mecha Phantom beast that could support this deck stand-alone but it never ocurred to me to pick TetherWolf. I will try it out and drop the Debris and Gold Sarc, which would leave me 2 spaces in the Deck. Should I fill with Dualities?

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-3 Goldfish

-1 Dweller (to side)


+3 Machina Peacekeeper

+1 Iron Chain Dragon


I tested the Tetherwolves and they didn't do anything impressive, plus the Token got in the way once and I had to attack first to Tribute it for then summoning a Rank 4.

Instead, I am now testing 3 Peacekeepers who should make the lone Debris more live by both searching for Cybern, and being a Debris target itself, if only for summoning Iron Chain Dragon as a beater.

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