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Can we change the rule for introductions?


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I personally feel Introductions have no use, the majority of people who join don't stay longer than 5 minutes because the same copy and pasted shit that gets posted.




Even though we all know that no one wants some PM for bullshit reasons.

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If they haven't posted it in three months then....sorry. Intros really aren't that big of a deal and really don't have a use.



But seeing as there is a forum for it, rules are already there and three months is plenty of time. That's a quarter of a year, half a semester, whatever you want to call it. If you can't seem to post within the three-month period then it's not a huge deal. It's not like intros are a necessity.

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Even if it was to be changed, coolspy would've been too late because I would incorporate being a 1 star as a requirement.

Intro is a section (that is suppose) to get you started in the community. It really does no good to make one when you are already known, be it positively or negatively. This is why I don't look unless not a 1 star.

I just don't see the current rule affecting anybody who needs an intro.

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If they haven't posted it in three months then....sorry. Intros really aren't that big of a deal and really don't have a use.



But seeing as there is a forum for it, rules are already there and three months is plenty of time. That's a quarter of a year, half a semester, whatever you want to call it. If you can't seem to post within the three-month period then it's not a huge deal. It's not like intros are a necessity.


Hence the word "change".

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Date a person registered is easily viewable, which is why it's primarily used as the measure. Date they made their first post(s) requires going through their content history. I don't think any of the mods really crack a whip too hard on introductions unless, as mentioned, they clearly already have a number of posts to their name before making an introduction.

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If you want to post a intro when you first join, then you can. Otherwise, no one will mind if you don't (Intros are just there so you can get yourself used to life here on YCM); some of us never made one.


Anyway, I don't see a problem with changing the Intro rules (given that a lot of people just come for the cardmaker and not post on the forums, as Welche mentioned in main post).


Though the Level/post requirement should stay in place: You should be familiar with the forum by the time you get that second star or higher; no reason to make an intro at that point.

Like LZ, I generally classify new members as having 1 star (like their title implies), regardless of join date.

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I kinda doubt the existence of introductions altogether.

Some members I have welcomed in the past just leave after 3 or so posts and never come back.


When I was new, I didn't even know (nor would I have cared) if that section existed.

I remember I wanted to save cards so I made an account, then went to the most realistic-looking part of the site to see what other people could come up with.

Then started card-making.


Going for an introduction instead of going directly to exploring the forums and posting on regular threads, is like opening a thread at Realistic Cards and saying "I'll be making a card and posting it here later..,.. probably". It's better if you just dive in.

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