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Thunder Family Jan 2014


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Monsters: 16

Batteryman AAA x3

Kagetokage x3

Mahunder x2

Masked Chameleon x2

Pahunder x2

Photon Thrasher x2

Thunder Sea Horse x2


Spells: 14

Book of Moon x1

Foolish Burial x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x2

One Day of Peace x1

Pot of Duality x2

Recycling Batteries x3

Reinforcement of the Army x1

Upstart Goblin x3


Traps: 10

Bottomless Trap Hole x1

Breakthrough Skill x2

Compulsory Evacuation Device x1

Dimensional Prison x2

Mirror Force x2

Solemn Warning x1

Torrential Tribute x1


Extra: 15

Colossal Fighter x1

Jeweled Red Dragon Archfiend x1

Stardust Spark Dragon x1

Abyss Dweller x1

Bujintei Tsukuyomi x1

Constellar Omega x1

Diamond Dire Wolf x1

Evilswarm Exciton Knight x1

Evilswarm Ouroboros x1

Gagaga Cowboy x1

King of the Feral Imps x1

Lavalval Chain x1

Number 101: Silent Honor's Ark Knight

Number 104: Masquerade

Starliege Paladynamo


I wanna main Blader, but space. Colossal is prep for Bujin, which will probably be relevant with LVAL.


I'm gonna miss Emeral, but I really cannot ignore the fact that I am definitely going to need Dweller depending on what decks pop up, and it's really just a precautionary card. If Bujin and other such stuff don't become relevant somehow, I won't need it as much.


Depending on how matchups work out, like this deck having a generally good Bujin matchup even without Dweller, I might remove it. I very well may be overestimating how well Bujins are gonna play out in the format.


3 Kagetokage because Maxx "C" does not look like it will be relevant, while Veiler/Negation looks as if it will be.


Wanna run regular Stardust, but running it just to prep for Exciton Knight feels bad when I'm not even maining Blader, and I can just run Number 106 if I really need to later on.


Not much else to say, just tailoring for the new format at a first glance.

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