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scary moments


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Once, there were two guys walking around the mall. They were obviously on something, as they were walking around in weird circles, they couldn't walk in a straight line [granted, no wanksta can these days] and they were calling everyone n****z and other racial slurs. It was more funny than scary, 'cause they called a little girl it, and she ran all over the place screaming the word xD

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something kind of like bhim's happened to me. these two kids in my school walked into our gym class locker room and were like, "Why is it raining inside??" they were covering their heads and acting all weird. i'm very sure they were high.

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i dont know it was just weird and funny. we just went to class after that.



I had a kind of scary moment today.


i went to the skatepark, and i was talking to this guy about pressure flips and stuff, and so we were all sweaty cuz it was hot, so we went to his car to get some Cokes. We were just sitting around doing nothing, and hes talking about how he's in the military.


then he pulls out a switchblade and flips it in and out. i was like, whoa cool dude. he was like, yeah i dont leave my house without this thing.


then he says, i also dont leave my house without this:


and he pulled a loaded pistol from his glove compartment.


this guy is 16??

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