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Out of random curiosity today, I took a typing speed test (not going to provide a link, just use Google, there's plenty) and my top speed while barely making any errors is 73-74 WPM though I don't regularly type that fast.


How many of you guys can touch-type? Everyone at my school was taught to in Grades 1-2, but I realize that's not the case with a lot of people. I had a friend in New York who was actually surprised I could.

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I can't touch type, but whilst in sixth form I freaked my friends out with looking in a completely different direction to the keyboard whilst typing. Well that's what they claim anyway depends on the words being typed really.

I've done that too, I can do it with anything but numbers really.

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I actually CAN type quite fast, but whenever I go to do one of these tests, I get all flustered because I forget what I'm supposed to type, and end up making like an abundance of typos and/or having to backtrack stuff to see if I did it right.
I stopped after like the first few sentences of this one test, and got 48 words per minute.
Would be nice if I didn't feel pressure while doing these sorts of things.

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I can touch type relatively well (speedwise, I'd say moderately fast), though sometimes I might have to check the keyboard for the proper keys in the event I make a mistake (this is especially when I type on my laptop/netbook b/c keys are smaller) or have to type in accented letters.


Haven't gotten tested on it since middle school (though I had to write with a sheet over computer so there's no way I can see if I made an error or not)

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