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Ice Barrier V2

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[spoiler=Old version]bi9g6f.jpg[/spoiler]


Last time I used Ice Barriers on DN was quite a while back, so older recipe I had is to be scrapped b/c of the new list (meaning no more Judgment, etc).


I had trouble deciding on acceptable Level 6-8 drops outside of the Ice Barrier monsters; which shouldn't have problems being summoned. I have both Stardusts as a Level 8 drop, but not sure what I should get rid of (planning on taking out original Stardust, given the comments about Radiance being better)


Same goes for the Xyz section; all are Rank 4 b/c of most of the Deck's monster content [I'll write the reasons why I put them in here].


Abyss Dweller (keep opponent's Grave in check + offers a slight ATK pump), Ouroboros (acts as pseudo-Trish), Maestroke (change battle position of certain monsters so they can be destroyed more easily), 101 (take an opponent's monster; wanted to run his evolved form, but didn't have room to run a RUM in Main; might do it as a side), 32 (basically get rid of a monster and destroy it again), Bahamut Shark (beatstick).


Needless to say, I acknowledge that it's not perfect by any means and could use some improvement.


Any suggestions are appreciated.

Thank you

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I am no expert with Ice Barriers but I have experimented with a variant around Level 4 Ice Barriers for going into Rank Xyz, bypassing Prior's restriction.

That said, I think this deck can be improved with the following changes:


-2 Samurai

-2 Reese

-2 Grizzly

-1 Mobius

-1 Raiho


-2 Moray


+1 Strategist

+1 Pilgrim

+2 Prior

+2 Tidal


+1 Medallion


+3 Duality, staples (Dark Hole is missing), ROTA (for Pilgrim), S/T hate, etc.


For a 40-card Deck

Fix the Extra deck accordingly (more Bahamut Shark and targets for it, and Synchro 6s will be harder, if not impossible, to Summon now)



- Taking out Reese, Grizzly, and Mobius because they look out of place.

- Although Samurai and Raiho are useful for triggering Triangle, the former is slow as a draw engine and the latter is not that good with only 2100 ATK so in my opinion they are better out of the deck.

- I am removing the Morays because I am not really a fan of the card, and in my opinion, instead of trying to fix your hands with this, it would be better if you run other deck thinners such as Pot of Duality. Plus, I cannot think of any Ice Barrier that would like to go back to the deck.


- Strategist is great for fixing hands and sending Ice Barriers to the grave for Gantala/Prior so I recommend running 3.

- Pilgrim to 3 instead of Dance Princess or Spellbreaker because it is a Salvage target, you can run ROTA to search it and slightly speed up the deck with it, and it can wall strong monsters.

- More Priors because it is really good and I dare to say is one of the best Ice Barriers: use it to Special Summon a Gantala or a Level 4 Ice Barrier to go for a Rank 4. And it can be recycled by Salvage/Surface.

- Suggesting +2 Tidals because dropping Level 7 beatsticks out of nowhere every turn is awesome (if you don't mind banishing your grave resources), and you an use it for Rank 7s along Gantala or Synchro 10s with Defender. You could even tech 1 Gold Sarcophagus to speed the deck up by a bit.

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Yeah, I debated on throwing in 3 Pilgrims but not sure why I decided on only two.

Grizzly was in there to search out the smaller monsters; Reese to block attacks (though Xyz make its protection effect moot)


I had Heavy Storm to deal with S/T but b/c new list has it banned; have to resort to Typhoon and Gungnir to deal with them (Mobius was there for that reason also).

As for the Synchros, yeah they will prove difficult to summon, given my resources (Debated on putting BRD in there in case I need to field clear but not sure that'll combo well with this Deck)


With Tidals, guess I can run Big Eye or whatever Rank 7 stuff that'll work here (and works as a quick beatstick when needed). As for Level 10 Synchros, nothing comes to mind except the new Gaoh and Decisive Arms (w/out being restrictive on conditions). In Bahamut's case, I did have 47 in there for target [not putting Revise in there b/c its effect neuters it when I need to direct attack]. Sirius/HTS will get removed for the extra Xyz Monsters needed.


But I'll go make the changes when I'm on other computer (using a laptop to write this reply; DN is a bit slow on it).

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