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Grade 0 (17):

1x Battle Maiden, Amenohoakari (Starting Vanguard)

4x Witch of the Big Pots, Laurier (Heal)

4x Battle Maiden, Kukurihime (Critical

4x Cyber Tiger (Critical)

4x Witch of the Lemons, Limoncino (Critical)


Grade 1 (14):

2x Battle Maiden, Tatsutahime

4x Witch of the Cat, Cumin

4x Orange Witch, Valencia

4x Goddess of Self-Sacrifice, Kushinada


Grade 2 (11):

4x Witch of the Owls, Paprika

4x Battle Maiden, Sabohime

3x Broom Witch, Callaway


Grade 3 ( :cool::

3x Wisdom Keeper, Metis

3x Goddess of Sunlight, Yatagarasu

2x Regalia of Omniscience, Minerva (Ideally. but realistically, it'll be changed to max Metis and Yata)



1. Soulcharge to around 10-14 cards (counting the soul gained from Metis), then Giga Flare your opponent into oblivion using Yata's Limit Break!

2.. Use Callaway's broom smack to gain plusses!

3. Create stable 18k power lines reliably to face crossrides!

4. Use Minerva's racks to finish the game and show those thunder dragons that they're not the only one with a restanding alt boss! ...If I the price suddenly dropped or I got a lucky streak when buying packs, since I have no intention to shell out $30 for Minerva.

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  • 3 weeks later...

adding in omni instead of building around her unbalances the deck in my experience.

also, every genesis deck needs at least 2 each of Birds and frogs to gain free row building. which is why I don't use broom, it uses up the CB I would use to summon them, because with them, and yata's SB9, you gain 2 full rows, even if the free row is weak against crossrides, it still swings for a respectable 16. and you still have drive checks coming. it's always useful to  have another attack on the board no matter how.

as a rule with my deck building in VG, generic effects are usually subpar choices, even if your looking for numbers to hit 18 rows and etc, delving and working with the kinks of a clan specifically, improves overall performance.

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here is my minerva build.

starter on ameno,

12 crit

4 heal

since I'm focusing on a standing VG for my endgame, I want her swinging for multi crits as often as possible.

even if your going to change up triggers, keep kuku. she fixes numbers and boosts soul count to give that final push.


g1 is very much so all over the place and I know it, but this works for this deck.

2 Mihi

3 frogs

2 owls

2 pG

2 qw

2 apple

the variety gives the deck a surpisingly firm backbone of options to work with, and they never see it coming at such numbers.

I usually will hold onto my owl till the turn I want to use it's ability.

prefered ride is Frogs, obviously, but at long as it's not owl, I don't mind too much.

G2 is my stable platform

4 sabo

4 birds

4 grapes

I again prefer to ride birds, but grapes and sabo are both still fine to ride.

G3 is simple and effective.

4 of each regalia, totaling 8.

I want max numbers of these for the owl effect. getting them to the grave is a win condition as long as I have owl, I have never seen someone survive 2 turns of a owl boosting by 10-15, with the BR turn before that.

you may look at the deck and think it's a mess, but it very stable and in fact, I would run this at a regional as is.

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