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Well hello Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Maker! I just wanted to pop by and say hello. I just made my account and can't wait to look around the forum. If you want to know a little bit about me, let me indulge you.


I like enjoy anime, although I don't watch too many. I enjoy Fairy Tail, Naruto, and Attack on Titan(which I just got into). I am hoping to watching Sword Art Online as well. As for just normal television shows, I enjoy Supernatural(still in season 1 though), Arrow, Criminal Minds, The Tomorrow People, and Marvel: Agents of Shield. I like superheroes in general, especially Batman. I am a DC person, but I won't turn my nose up at Marvel either.


As far as Yu-Gi-Oh! goes I am not that competitive of a player, but I do enjoy dueling and I think that with some time I can learn to become a decent card maker. My favorite deck(at the moment) is Lightsworns, but I want to learn how to use the new Geargia cards. 


For what I would like to do on the forum, I would love to get into RPing in addition to card creation. I have intentions to perhaps start a fanfic as well, but I would like to flesh out some ideas that I have before I dabble in that. All in all, I am hoping to meet some great people here and have a good time :D

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Welcome! From the tone of your post you sound like you'Il get along here just fine. I also think that you will enjoy your time here especially since we have a multimedia subforum, though I have never posted in it. Also (I say this to all new members so don't feel bad), don't forget to read the rules of whatever section you choose to be active in. Its way better then breaking them by mistake.


edit: from the thread title I guess you play/have played pokemon too? Just curious

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Welcome! From the tone of your post you sound like you'Il get along here just fine. I also think that you will enjoy your time here especially since we have a multimedia subforum, though I have never posted in it. Also (I say this to all new members so don't feel bad), don't forget to read the rules of whatever section you choose to be active in. Its way better then breaking them by mistake.


Thank you for the welcome and I will make sure to do that. Can't wait to get involved here :D

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Always happy to see a new RPer and a fellow anime fan. Welcome to the forums and be sure to read the rules.


Feel free to ask me about anything, from general tips to card design and anime recommendations.


Thank you for the welcome and the open offer, I'll be sure to ask if I need anything :D

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