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Zexal Utopia

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A Shining Utopia - Utopia Deck
Monsters: 20
3x Goblindergh
3x Photon Thrasher
3x Star Drawing
3x Tinplate Goldfish
2x Summoner Monk
2x ZW - Eagle Claw
2x ZW - Lightning Blade
2x ZW - Tornado Bringer (BRING IT, TORNADOS)

Spells: 17
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
3x Instant Fusion
2x Pot of Duality
2x Rank-Up Magic Barian's Force
2x Rank-Up Magic Numeron Force
2x Forbidden Lance
1x Forbidden Dress
1x RotA
1x Dark Hole

Traps: 3
1x Dark Brobe
1x Dark Brabe
1x Dark Bribe

2x Number 39:Utopia
2x Rare Fish

1x Cyber Dino (level 5 fusion)
1x Utopia Ray V
1x Utopia Ray Victory
1x Maestroke
1x Diamond Dire Wolf
1x Exciton Knight
1x Gagaga Cowboy
1x Silent Honors: Ark Knight
1x C105: Battlin' Boxer Badass
1x Photon Pappilopoperopeithing

Considering dropping the Eagle Claws, but they're just so useful...

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Explain why I should.

I just don't like the regular ray - he's not very useful imo.

Change tactics I didn't know existed, as well as S39, but I like neither of them.

C39 - Have you read Unicorn Spear? It's worth rubbing 1 copy of him and a ray. Not to mention Xyz Change Tactics

How do you not like a card that says pay 1000 use pot of greed?

S39's good because of Xyz Change Tactics ala ray.
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