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Greetings and welcome to the Yu-Gi-Oh CardMaker Forums, or simply YCM! My name is Kyng and I’m one of the Members here.

Thank you for taking the time to post your topic here in the Introductions Forum. This will give us members an opportunity to get to know you better and try to make your stay as welcome as possible. That is something that is very important to us!

You could include in your introduction things such as: Names you would like us to address you as, hobbies/interests, questions about how YCM works, etc!

Among most of the things you may want to do are learning the basic rules of the forum. This will give you a general overview on the behaviour you ideally should avoid. Don't worry though, there's not many! Click here to learn more: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/213935-the-rules-of-ycm/
I hope you have a nice stay on our forums. If you ever need anything, feel free to ask a moderator. They will usually be available to help you out. You can also ask me if you need anything too! For now, enjoy YCM!

- Kyng

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Welcome to the YCM forums/cardmaker.

As Kyng already mentioned, posting here gives us the chance to let us know who you are + get you used to life here.


But anyway, read the rules (both the site and individualized forum ones) and ask one of the moderators. Or you can ask myself if they aren't available.

Until then, have fun here.


- Sakura.

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