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Reptilianne Rank 4


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3 Kagetokage
3 Reptilianne Gardna
2 Reptilianne Medusa
2 Reptilianne Naga
3 Reptilianne Scylla
2 Reptilianne Vaskii
1 Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes
2 Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes

1 Allure of Darkness
1 Dark Hole
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Reptilianne Poison
2 Reptilianne Spawn
1 Snake Rain
2 Viper's Rebirth

1 Call of the Haunted
2 Damage = Reptile
1 Dark Bribe
2 Fiendish Chain
3 Offering to the Snake Deity
2 Rise of the Snake Deity

1 Abyss Dweller
1 Diamond Dire Wolf
1 Gagaga Cowboy
3 King of the Feral Imps
2 Lavalval Chain
2 Number 39: Utopia
1 Number 50: Blackship of Corn
1 Number 85: Crazy Box
2 Photon Papilloperative


Any suggestion would be appreciated.



             - Snake Rain (Vennominon) + Viper's Rebirth + Rise of the Snake Deity = Vennominaga (during the End Phase)

             - Gardna + Offering = -2 cards + 1 Reptilianne Monster in your hand (Additionally, if you have Spawn and/or Medusa in your hand, add Vaskii)

             - Poison and Papilloperative = Vennominaga Support

             - Damage= Reptile + Naga = Search any monster in your deck (except Vennominaga, and Kagetokage, this last card because I do not suggest), and can attract MST's


I would also suggest Gardna + Viper's Rebirth, or Spawn + Offering, but I think that's obvious.

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If you do not like the Vennominaga format, the following changes can be made:


-2 Vennominon

-1 Vennominaga

-1 Snake Rain

-2 Rise of the Snake Deity


+1 Dark Armed Dragon

+1 Evil Dragon Ananta

+1 Upstart Goblin

+1 Recurring Nightmare

+1 Fiendish Chain

+1 Snake Whistle or +1 Vanity's Emptiness

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