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Convulsion of Nature

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I don't really know what I'm doing but everything works together and it's nice and snug. c:

1 Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder (no, don't stop reading! he's just a gimmick, and he's stackable off Chain so)
2 Tragoedia (you get massive hands)
1 Dark Armed Dragon (Stackable with Lavalval Chain, and has a nice combo if you open it, Monk and a spell)
3 Gishki Diviner (it's the main thing that gets you digging through your deck, incredibly searchable and doesn't afraid of anything)
2 Gishki Beast (brings back your Diviner for more guessing plussing)
1 Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite (bounce your Oaths or Convulsion for more drawing)
1 Psi-Blocker (you know what your opponent's topdecking, so you can lock their plays)
2 Summoner Monk (you use it to recruit this next guy)
2 Armageddon Knight (you use it to dump this next guy)
2 Archfiend Heiress (you use it to search Archfiend's Oath)
1 Plaguespreader Zombie (easy to dump Tuner)
1 Deep Sea Diva (recruit Diviner, take a stab at the top card, then go into Armades)

3 Convulsion of Nature (Makes all your guesses at the top card of your deck correct, lets you know what your opponent is playing while making them think you're playing something incredibly uncoordinated.)
3 Archfiend's Oath (O.P.T pay 500 to name the top card of deck, and if you're right add it to hand. Works with Convulsion)
3 Upstart Goblin (37 card deck)
3 Pot of Duality (Staple)
2 Mystical Space Typhoon (Staple)
1 Dark Hole (Staple)
1 Allure of Darkness (11 targets)

1 Mind Crush (because playing the whole duel knowing every card your opponent has is broken)
1 Solemn Warning (Staple)
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device (Staple)
1 Bottomless Trap Hole (Staple)
1 Mirror Force (It's useful because you don't open with a 1900 beater and you want to protect your monsters)


1 Drascension, the Supreme Sky Dragon (it's huge!)
1 Mist Wurm (You go into it off Plague/Diva + Beast + Diviner easily)
1 Crimson Blader (Win button against Dragon Ruler)
1 Stardust Dragon (Standard 8)
1 HTS Psyhemuth (Standard 6)
1 Vulcan the Divine (Lets you turn off Convulsion if your opponent is topdecking good, also bounce Oaths)
1 Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier (Bounce all Continuous Spells, drop them again)
1 Armades, Keeper of Boundaries (Standard 5)
1 Number 101: Silent Honors Ark Knight (You can Rank 4)
1 Noblswarm Belzebuth (Because you can)
2 Lavalval Chain (Send Heiress to grave, or Zephyros or Plague, or topdeck a monster to add to hand with Oath/Diviner)
1 Gagaga Cowboy (Burn for game)
1 Leviair the Sea Dragon (If you get a few monsters out you can go into this, drag back Plague and start synchroing on up)
1 Wind-Up Zenmaines (You can rank 3 easy enough)


So yeah, I'm having a lot of fun with this. The Hamon is just got a laugh and honestly if I ever decide to play anything like this slightly competitively, he's gone. Right now though, he makes OTKs.
See: http://gyazo.com/7f9afcedcd1433266734bb47dc133bab

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