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Kung Fu Panda (Everyone likes kung fu fighting...hiya)


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Not bad. Might be a bit OP.


Few Problems

You need to add a lore on the bottom of the card. (So people can correct your OCG much more easily.)

A small OCG error




If this card is the only monster you control; this monster gains 400 ATK. When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent: you can Special Summon 1 Beast-Warrior-Type monster from your hand.



OP Reason

Whenever this card inflicts battle damage, it automatically summons a Beast-Warrior-Type. There is no "Once per turn" effect, so if I use a card like "Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce," and inflict battle damage twice: I can Special Summon two Beast-Warrior-Type. And I can summon ANY Beast-Warrior-Type (Excluding the ones that cannot be Special Summoned, of course). There is no level restriction stopping it from summoning a high level monster.

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