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Reinforcement of the Army

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Pretty much.


What does YCM think about this going to 2?  With Stratos gone, seems like a minute chance it might actually happen.  I can actually see Konami doing it just to see what happens.

Tbh it should probably go to 3 after MAYBE shi en or lead yoke or whatever idk get rightfully slammed. Its not really the problem with anything that uses it, at all.

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It's a boring effect. You want something to be consistent? Make a clone of this and a clone of Stratos. Done.


In my ideal low level dirty muggle view of the game, consistency should come in exchange for advantage or require interaction. Or the player should just run a net of combos with decent synergy to make up for the lack of search. It's called deck-building.

"Oh but that'd make decks suck!" but in my ideal low level dirty muggle view of the game, the game wouldn't be as powercreeped, but enough of my absurd ideas....

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It is not compulsory over 3 warriors on deck to become essential. Evilswarm the decks you run 3 beaver, and this card is essential anyway. Not to mention that lswarm decks ARE NOT warrior decks.

*Never heard of Evilswarm Beaver.*

*Looks up "Evilswarm Beaver" on DN. No results.*

*Looks up "Lswarm Beaver" instead. No results.*

*Looks up "Beaver." One result - Beaver Warrior.*

*Looks up Evilswarm and checks to see which ones are Warrior.*

*There's one. It's Castor.*

*Castor doesn't look like a beaver at all.*

*Checks the wiki to make sure.*

*Yep, no Evilswarm Beaver.*

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*Never heard of Evilswarm Beaver.*

*Looks up "Evilswarm Beaver" on DN. No results.*

*Looks up "Lswarm Beaver" instead. No results.*

*Looks up "Beaver." One result - Beaver Warrior.*

*Looks up Evilswarm and checks to see which ones are Warrior.*

*There's one. It's Castor.*

*Castor doesn't look like a beaver at all.*

*Checks the wiki to make sure.*

*Yep, no Evilswarm Beaver.*

Castor is Greek for Beaver/he who excels.

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Stratos isn't the reason this is at 1, nor is Stratos' ban reason for this to come back to more than 1. Why would you even assume that? E-HERO Decks have E-Emergency Call, aka "Reinforcement of the Army 2.0".


Reinforcement is at 1 because there's so many targets for it that are good monsters for a variety of strategies. It allowed Warrior Decks to pull almost anything they needed to counter the current situation, plus the advantages of Deck thinning. And with Six Samurai stuff around (and they have a slightly inferior version of this card), Reinforcement's not going anywhere. Smoke Signal can't search Kizan. This can, plus it can search everything Smoke Signal can. And a ton of stuff Smoke Signal can't.


This also helps Noble Knights. Sure, the TCG loves them Noble Knights, but giving ALL Warrior-focused Decks more search power isn't going to just help Noble Knights. It'll help way too many things.

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*Never heard of Evilswarm Beaver.*

*Looks up "Evilswarm Beaver" on DN. No results.*

*Looks up "Lswarm Beaver" instead. No results.*

*Looks up "Beaver." One result - Beaver Warrior.*

*Looks up Evilswarm and checks to see which ones are Warrior.*

*There's one. It's Castor.*

*Castor doesn't look like a beaver at all.*

*Checks the wiki to make sure.*

*Yep, no Evilswarm Beaver.*

I have lost count of the number of times the google translate got me through dumb ...

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I think whats pretty silly about this card, is that given the fact the current card pool is how it is; This@2 would lead to more consistent OTKs and/or herp-derp auto-win scenarios.

lswarm decks ARE NOT warrior decks.

lswarm decks aren't Rabbit decks either. Doesn't change the fact they still play it for the sake of getting 2x Helio.
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I think whats pretty silly about this card, is that given the fact the current card pool is how it is; This@2 would lead to more consistent OTKs and/or herp-derp auto-win scenarios.
lswarm decks aren't Rabbit decks either. Doesn't change the fact they still play it for the sake of getting 2x Helio.

When I say that the lswarm deck is not warrior deck, I'm saying that is lswarm archetype is not warrior archetype, you know?

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