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Doomsday Today


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2 Armageddon Knight

2 Battle Fader

2 Card Trooper
1 Dark Armed Dragon

3 Dark Grepher

3 Dark Nephthys

1 Destiny HERO Dasher

3 Destiny HERO Malicious

2 Doomsday Horror

2 Evilswarm Ketos

1 Evilswarm O'lantern

3 Evilswarm Salamandra

2 Evilswarm Thunderbird

3 Gallis the Star Beast

1 Genex Ally Birdman

1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

2 Necro Gardna

2 Plaguespreader Zombie

1 Rainbow Dark Dragon

2 The Dark Creator

2 Tragoedia

2 Witch of the Black Rose



Focuses on milling darks, Banishing them with Nephthys, DAD, Salamandra, and whatnot, and then summon Doomsday Horror to bash them in. If it dies, you refuel to use things like Dark Creator, DRD, etc.

I need to reduce to 40, and get an extra. Other than that...whatever.

Maybe IRL??? I dunno. 

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Calls it Doomsday deck.

Doesn't play Fires of Doomsday.

Allure of Darkness?

Anything to fight Skill Drain?
Sure, a Monster-unique deck is good, but I really just fear Skill Drain would hurt it. Guess thats what beaters are for.

ASDF in search box, lol. Seems about right.

...Because the Monster this is based around is DOOMSDAY Horror, and fires would be basically useless?

And...Have you never heard of Monster Mash before? Granted, I should probably be playing some of the MM staples here, but...whatever.

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