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Yu-Gi-Oh! The Legend of Yugi Book 2: Spirits


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Hey, guys! I'm here to share with you my newest build revolving aroung Spirit monsters! With the new support, they acutally stand a chance of being meta being a Deck at all. It's not the best thing around, but it's quite fun to play with. I actually built two variations: one focused purely on Spirit monsters as well as BLS and other with a little Fairy support, since most of the Spirits in this Deck are Fairies. I hope you enjoy it, so rate, comment and subscribe.


EDIT: List of cards added.


Fairy Spirit




19 Monsters


1x BLS

2x Archlord Kristya

2x Herald of Orange Light


1x Dark Dust Spirit

1x Yaksha

3x Rasetsu

3x Izanami

3x Aratama

3x Nigitama


22 Spells


2x Exchange

3x Creature Swap

1x Dark Hole

3x Pot of Duality

3x Mystical Space Typhoon


9 Traps


1x Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Mirror Force

1x Torrential Tribute

3x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

1x Compulsory Evacuation Device

1x Solemn Warning


Pure Spirit




15 Monsters


1x BLS


1x Dark Dust Spirit

1x Yaksha

3x Rasetsu

3x Izanami

3x Aratama

3x Nigitama


23 Spells


3x Exchange

3x Creature Swap

1x Dark Hole

3x Pot of Duality

3x Mystical Space Typhoon


12 Traps


1x Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Mirror Force

1x Torrential Tribute

3x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

1x Compulsory Evacuation Device

3x Vanity's Emptyness

1x Solemn Warning

Extra Deck (For both; might want to change it for the pure variant)
1x Star Eater
1x Leoh, Guardbeast of the Great Tree
1x Giganticastle
1x Jeweled Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Vulcan the Divine
1x AOJ Catastor
1x Photon Papilloperative
1x Nº 50
1x Nº 101
1x Fairy Cheer Girl (Because yeah :P)

1x Noblswarm Belzebuth

1x Lavalval Chain

1x Abyss Dweller

1x Gagaga Cowboy


See you!

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