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Just trying my hand at a TG build, not bad so far testing-wise, comments/suggestions are welcome!

[spoiler=TG Deck]http://i.imgur.com/5yWsvT4.png[/spoiler]

Monsters: 18

Beast King Barbaros x 3

TG Warwolf x3

TG Rush Rhino x 3

TG Striker x 3

Sacred Crane x 2

Tengu x 2

Bear x 2



Spells: 6

Tenki x 2

Duality x 2

MST x 2


Traps: 16

Skill Drain x 3

Horn of the Phantom Beast x 3

Call of the Haunted x2

Relieve Monster x 2 (more useful than i thought, Tengu + crane combo)

Breakthrough Skill x 2


Compulsory Evacuation Device 



Extra Deck: 15

Naturia Barkion x 2

TG Hyper Librarian

TG Wonder Magician

TG Blade Blaster

Stardust Spark Dragon

Jeweled Red Dragon Archfiend


Black Rose Dragon

Diamond Dire Wolf


Blackship of Corn

Photon Papilloperative


Shadow Lich (just filler idk)


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More often then not, people will try and remove a Tengu from the field ahead of time, before they enter the Battle Phase.
Add to it, Crane doesn't really have much going for it outside of that combo, except for MAYBE Call, but in those scenarios you would likely be reviving a TG just to trigger a search, rather then depending on a random draw.
So really, Relive is just purely random here, as is Crane.

Also, play a second Wonder Magician. It's a walking +1 that can come out of nowhere.

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We all know I had to post here.

Ok, I'll try to say this nicely.

No Xyz in TG, but that could be me.
Seems decent as a Stun Build. But the original is the best.

I would ditch the Cranes and Xyz.

And the deck needs a lot more tuners than Striker.

I would play Cyber Magician. Add some more Generic Syncros.

Relieve Monster really seems like a waste of space, no offense.


And adding The Big Cattle Drive may help you.

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thanks for the input, crane is a plus one depending on the situation but other than that i guess it is kinda useless, also i think on the xyz i'll keep ship and cowboy, and maybe zenmaines, idc about the rest

my thoughts are

-2 relieve monster

-2 crane

-2 tengu? idk i still think its a decent card




and + synchros

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