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Void Crystal Archetype


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Hey there, this is both my first post and first attempt at making cards, so please let me know if i've done something terribly wrong (namely in the images, not sure what the guidelines are there so i just used google images, i can revert them back to blanks if that's a bad thing  :wacko:)
Basically this is a set of 21 cards that protect and draw their power from one card, the Void Crystals;
Nothing special, it's just the catalyst for the rest of the set!
I feel like this is a good time to mention again that the images are makeshift...  :rolleyes:
Solid effect, but it can burn you pretty bad if you go overboard
Search out that all-important void crystal
Decent stall, but it can be tricky to really milk his effect
Versatile level 5 with nice synchro potential
Another versatile 5 star, but a lot more fun  :D
Akin to a toned down version of red-eyes darkness metal dragon, this guy is a must for repeated use of void crystals
Probably safer to normal summon, but the flip might catch people by suprise
This guy might be a little too good, curious to see what people think  :blink:
Solid effect, but nothing too devastating unless you get all 3 crystals on him
The other Xyz, far more strategic imo.
Just to clarify, the warlock can choose any of the effects he can afford (not sure how well i worded it).
An indirect damage option, and a costly one at that
The big daddy. Make sure he's got enough crystals and it should be smooth sailing for the rest of the duel.
Pretty strong equip, another one im curious to hear feedback on
Powerful card, but easily countered (in theory)
Pretty much a necessity for the archetype to function
In all honesty, i made that card because i liked the picture. But still a fun effect nonetheless  :)
A reasonable counter-trap, another one im not too sure about though
More support for that little ol' void crystal
Another one that seems balanced to me, but i could be horribly horribly wrong
Basically, i was aiming to create a set that revolved around continuously using a couple cards to power up more strategic ones, and i think that this archetype accomplishes that to an extent. Curious to know what you guys think!

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I worded that description poorly; he has good synchro potential assuming that Crystal Incarnate is what you're trying to summon :P

Granted, that isn't going to immediately bring him out on the field, but it can be convenient for meeting the 3 monster requirement using channeler. One of the best combos i could think of;

TURN 1: Set channeler

TURN 2: Flip summon for eff, get a void crystal, tribute crystal for spirit, use spirits eff to bring back a crystal, 5 + 3 + 2 tuner = 10. Boom. :D

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