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Legend of the White Dragon

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Okay before taking a look, this is my budget friendly, yet still competitive IRL build of a BEWD deck. The deck plays quite well after a few play testing duels, I'm not running Solemn Warning simply because I feel that Champion's Vigilance is enough and that I don't want to spend Life Points. Any suggestions are welcome.





Notes: the extra deck and side deck haven't been fully worked out yet. 


Extra Deck so far:


Azure-Eyes x3

Thunder-Eyes x1

Stardust x1



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-3 Magic Cylinders

+3 Call of the Haunted


-1 Smashing

+1 Dark Hole (your Silver Dragon is immune to it upon Summon anyways)



Mole, Fader, Marshmallon, Gorz, Cyber Dragon, and Gale literally have no place in this deck.
Why do you run them?




I don't know what you'd have to replace them with though, since it's budget.

Ideally, here's where Ricebells and Emergency Teleports would be funny for me to suggest, but that's probably the most expensive variant.

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Mole, Fader, Marshmallon, Gorz, Cyber Dragon, and Gale literally have no place in this deck.
Why do you run them?

Other than filler or some limited protection, I'm not really sure what else to put. What would you recommend replacing them with? (both budget friendly and not budget friendly)

-3 Magic Cylinders

+3 Call of the Haunted


-1 Smashing

+1 Dark Hole (your Silver Dragon is immune to it upon Summon anyways)


Thank you for the feedback. ^^

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