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An Interesting Project

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So, IRL, I have one copy of each Starter Decks from the past 3 years: Dawn of the Xyz, Xyz Symphony, and V for Victory. I also got both Utopia Ray V and Limited Barian's Force in the Power-Up Packs, along with Numbers 6 and 30, an extra Mirror Force and MST, Bite Bug, 2 Crane Cranes, and ZW - Eagle Claw. I am trying to build a casual deck out of these three decks, but I am quite unsure of how to narrow it down. Here is what I have so far:
How would I fix this deck and narrow it down, and are there any cards in these three decks that I overlooked and threw out, but are actually good?

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As far as narrowing it down goes-
And assuming you want something Xyz-spam-ish-
It's best if you concentrate on playing just that sort of Rank, and disregard cards that won't exactly help with that.
That could then be your starting point, and hopefully bring the deck down to lime 40-45(or something like that)

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And I'm with Armz: stick to Xyz spamming. I'm thinking you could keep the Maraudings, Cranes, Goblinberghs, Kagetokage.

The problem is that you will be playing with Level 3s and 4s and that can give you problems (get a Level 4 and a Level 3 in hand: no Xyz options). I would recommend sticking to one of those Levels but it appears you don't have enough cards to do so.


From the Starter Decks, the Gogogo Golem + Giant, Tasuke Knight might prove to be useful.


Maybe something like this? I don't know:


I placed in the Side Deck other Starter Deck cards that could be useful as well. The 4th one is "Impenetrable Attack" in case you can't recognize it.


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