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Secret Santa - Anime Edition 2013


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Following the success of last year's Secret Santa: Anime Edition. YCM is hosting another Secret Santa.


This year the rules and process will be the same:

- Fill in the participation form which will be posted below.

- Once you have been given the member you are gifting the anime to, send the information to me and I will pass it on. Don't send it to them.

- The Anime must be easy to find with subtitles.

- Read the participation form of the member you have been made the Secret Santa of, this should help you find suitable anime.

- No on-going anime


The all important participation form:

Anime list: (This can be in a spoiler or a link for example to 'My Anime List')

Episode Limit: If more than 12-14 would you like 2-3 anime as a gift to fit within the limit?

Genres than don't particularly interest you:

Other: (Examples being "I like to get mindf*cked", "Don't give me something on my want to watch list, surprise me!" or "I like to avoid standard Shonen fare", etc)


Everyone has 1 week (19th November) to enter their information for 'Secret Santa', then the Secret Santa information will be PM'd within the day or day after.


Everyone has until December 25th to finish their anime, and if they wish to, provide a review on the anime they've watched, this should be posted on the week of Christmas. On this day members will also find out who their Secret Santa is.


If you finish the anime you were given and decide you want to be given another one, ask me over PM and I'll have your Secret Santa send you another present!


(Thanks to Fusion for the 'template' I also borrowed a few parts from him and Ene for suggesting it is hosted again)


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Anime list: http://anilist.co/animelist/6890/Seira
Episode Limit: 39
If more than 12-14 would you like 2-3 anime as a gift to fit within the limit? I would actually greatly prefer it be 2 or 3 anime and not just 1 big one.
Genres than don't particularly interest you: Hentai, Yaoi
Other: Not that into mecha, but I can enjoy it. I really like a good laugh/drama. I'd rather not something that is too much just action, I can handle it a lot more if there is some good comedy and things. I am usually always okay with fanservice, unless it's very excessive.

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Anime list: http://myanimelist.net/animelist/tuffguy1992

Episode Limit: 26 at most, but prefer 13.

Genres than don't particularly interest you: Shonen, yaoi, Gundam


  • Too much action is kind of a turn-off for me, unless it's executed well.
  • I love characters that are cunning, badass, and/or suave.
  • I don't mind fanservice in the slightest.
  • I'd rather stream anime on Crunchyroll, Netflix, and/or Hulu.
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Anime list: http://myanimelist.net/animelist/TaintedBlack

Episode Limit: 25, give or take. Less is fine, too.

Genres than don't particularly interest you: Horror

Other: Please avoid ecchi unless the overall story/plot/etc. is good enough to justify it. Fanservice is also something I'd like to see a minimum of unless the quality of the overall series is high.

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Anime list: http://myanimelist.net/animelist/danna45 Very much incomplete, do take it with a grain of salt.

Episode Limit: Preferably 2-cours length(25-ish episodes) or less, but as long as it's not over a 100 episodes, don't really keep the limit in mind.

Genres I really would rather not get: Horror, gore, etc. I'm fine with them, but really would rather not see. Other than that, don't really want yaoi or shoujo/overly emotional melodrama, but not really picky on this as much as horror/gore.

Other: I've never viewed fanservice as a negative aspect at all, so feel free to go hardcore with that. I use nyaa and bakabt, so I can find almost anything as long as it's not overly obscure and old at the same time. Lastly, I'd rather not get mecha suggestions, as I'd probably be getting to them sooner or later anyways.


Also Ene, thanking you right now. Never even heard of anilist before, but thing seems better than MAL. Using it as of now.

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Also Ene, thanking you right now. Never even heard of anilist before, but thing seems better than MAL. Using it as of now.

Pfft I'm only using it now because I can have more than 5 favorite anime/manga. But I agree.


Probably never heard of it because of how new it is, only made this year. It does have some issues like being unable to sort your favorites but they are working on that.

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Anime list: http://hummingbird.me/users/ShonenJack/watchlist#all

The episode limit you are willing to watch: ~52, but only 26 for 1 show 
^If above is more than 12-14, would you want to receive 2-3 animes as a gift that fits within your limit: Absolutely. 
If there is a particular genre(s) you really aren't interested in: Shounen-ai/yoai, ecchi, harem. Keep your NTR subplots away from me (see seasons 2 of SAO & Accel World; Better yet: dont)
Other: Comedy/Romance/Shounen/Sci-fi/Fantasy, it's all good. Bonus points for something with awesome music/decent dub. 

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Thanks a bunch for hosting, Yin, much appreciated.


Anime list: My Animes

Episode Limit: 26ish

If more than 12-14 would you like 2-3 anime as a gift to fit within the limit? Sure

Genres than don't particularly interest you: N/A

Other: Is it alright if I receive something that's marked as Want to Watch from my list? Trying to clear out the backburner whenever I can, but if you really think I'd like something not on there, I can try it.

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Anime List: http://www.anime-planet.com/users/YuYuBakumanNote13/anime

Episode Limit: Anywhere between 10 and 50

If more than 12-14 would you like 2-3 anime as a gift to fit within the limit?: Yes, but only up to three.

Genres you aren't interested in: Sports/Hentai

Other: Nothing as depressing as Elfen Lied, no rape or animal abuse (Berserk is fine.), time travel would be great, good characters and character development, original/complex/smart plot, nothing on my watching list (Gurren Lagann and Cowboy Bebop), not an all-out Harem, and sci-fi elements would be appreciated.

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Ah... so... what's going on? I understand if your busy, Yin, but I may not even be able to get through 2/3 of what I asked for if this takes too much longer (though that could be exaggerating, it shouldn't take too much longer, as the deadline has passed). I only asked for so much because last year wasn't late with anything. As long as my brother doesn't let me see anything, I can get him to take over, as he's only really playing video games and such around this time.. Not much of a poster anymore, but I know he still lurks so yeah. Should I ask?

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Anime list: I assume this means anime I've watched? It's not that many...

[spoiler=spoilers]Akahori Gedou Hour Rabuge
Angel Beats
Ano Hana
Death Note
Kaleido Star
Ouran High School Host Club
Shakuga no Shana
RIN ~Daughters of Mnemosyne~
Zero no Tsukaima

Episode Limit: 12-24

If more than 12-14 would you like 2-3 anime as a gift to fit within the limit?: Sure why not?

Genres than don't particularly interest you: Yaoi/Yuri, unless it's a comedy I guess. I'd prefer something with not that much fan service, and not too much violence.

Other: Something with a bit of romance in it would be preferred.

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One day after the deadline was mentioned in it may taking that long, but 3? I'm gonna ask my brother after all since I don't want this event to be screwed up, and I see Yin hasn't been online for over 24 hours. If he can't do it, then oh well, I'll just have to hope he's still on his computer so I can PM him (already went to school).


Or, perhaps, anyone I can find that'll be able to do it but not tell who is who's secret santa. idk. Like I said, I don't really want the event to end up being nothing, and it should take a bit-ish of time for people to figure out their gifts, anyway, so getting this part out of the way fast would be nice.

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Ok, sent PMs to every participant in the event now. You all know who's your secret santa, but none of you know you're whose secret santa. Hope that works out. Reminder to make sure no one else knows who's the one you're Santa-ing. PM me back with the recommendation, or if some sort of complication happens, which I really hope doesn't, for the sake of convenience.

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Don't like to double post, but I do kinda want to say this, in case I didn't make it clear(Which I didn't. My fault really).


Even if you're fine with the anime you've been suggested. PM me back, so I can change your status from -Anime Accepted- to -Anime Received-.


Naturally, you guys can just start ahead and watch the anime you received, but some confirmation would be nice, so there's no problems in the future.

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Alright, I finished Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica today, and I loved it! :) Not a genre I've tried before, but I don't regret it... It's my #6 favorite anime, ahead of Attack on Titan and below Future Diary (Had a few changes in my opinions). Overall I give it 9.39/10. Oh, and thank you to whoever gave me this anime, it's something different and it fit most of my preferences. :)

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Alright, I finished Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica today, and I loved it! :) Not a genre I've tried before, but I don't regret it... It's my #6 favorite anime, ahead of Attack on Titan and below Future Diary (Had a few changes in my opinions). Overall I give it 9.39/10. Oh, and thank you to whoever gave me this anime, it's something different and it fit most of my preferences. :)

Hardly part of the genre since it's a deconstruction.

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My Secret Santa was Tari Tari. I just finished it today.


It started out as just another slice-of-life, which gave a bland impression to me, but as I got through it, I started getting feels, and that's what made it great in the end. The struggle was a bit forced, but it was worth it either way. I really liked the connection with some of the characters, especially with the Vice President and Sakai's mom. Overall, a good watch and I would recommend it for anyone who likes slice-of-life animes.


My rating: 3.75/5, average, but feely with a good conclusion.


Thanks to whoever suggested that.

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Finished my second one, My Little Monster.


I loved it. I was actually looking at it for a while, having passed the title a number of times while browsing Crunchyroll for ideas. It's a very good love story, and quite surprisingly (and ironically) one of the least cringeworthy ones I've seen.


Thanks again for whoever suggested that. I give it a 4/5, and my third favorite anime with a school setting.

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Well, last time I participated in something like this, I actually put I wasn't really interested in Josei stuff, but in actuality, I only thought I wouldn't be interested in it, and hadn't tried any of that stuff yet. Could be that as I get older, I keep broadining my horizons, or I'm actually getting less and less interested in action anime, but lo and behold, the first time I asked for more than just one anime, both of them ended up being Josei. Now I will certainly be digging deeper into these kinds of things, even more than I already have been trying to, just to make sure if a specific series would actually interest me or not.


The first anime I watched out of them was Usagi Drop. It's amazing because I have really never before seen such a realistic slice of life. One where, while the children are really important to the whole thing, possibly the driving force that even allows this to be, it takes a different approach by actually paying attention to the adults. In some ways, I would say that the adults have a lot more attention given to them than the children, which is definitely a rarity, but something I actually expected of a Josei. Meaning, well, I need to pay more attention to these things, because it was such a refreshing sight. And, there are even some slice of lifes that manage to feel rushed at times. Fortunately, this is not one of them.



The second anime I got out of this would be Chihayafuru. Yes, just the first season was specified, so I figured, if I didn't like it, I didn't really have to go out of my way to watch the second season, as that would be a but much for what I actually asked for. Now, onto the actual thing.


It was the first sports anime I've ever really watched. It is certainly one of the best at dealing with character relations, and although I would like for some things to eventually be handled, I'm glad it saved that stuff for after the first season. Easily has one of the best recaps as well, I might add, what with those extras thrown in here and there, really getting me to sit through the whole thing very easily. All of the main characters, along with the other 3 Mizusawa karuta club members, especially, I was completely able to warm up to, despite having a tiny bit of trouble finding the male ones likable at first, for whatever reason. One more thing, I keep getting Taichi's name mixed up as Arata due to his appearence, looking like the protag from Arata: The Legend.



So, I will be getting to the second season, but only after I finish Fresh Precure. Always need a break from Precure by watching something else, despite how enjoyable I find it, so this turned out pretty perfect for me. Thank you, whoever my secret Santa is.

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