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Diary of a Blackwing Player


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I'm probably going to put tourney reports here too if I'm not too lazy.


Deck ATM, based on pretty heavy Constellar and Evilswarm presence at locals, is-



3 Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame

3 Blackwing - Bora the Spear

3 Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow

2 Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North

1 Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind

1 Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite

1 Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn

2 Maxx "C"

1 Dark Armed Dragon



3 Black Whirlwind

3 Pot of Duality

2 Mystical space Typhoon

1 Cards for Black Feathers

1 Allure of Darkness

1 Book of Moon

1 Forbidden Lance



3 Icarus Attack

2 Mirror Force

2 Fiendish Chain

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Solemn Warning

1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

1 Bottomless Trap Hole


1 Blackwing Armor Master

1 Blackwing  Armed Wing

1 HTS Psyhemuth

1 Black Rose Dragon

1 Scrap Dragon

1 Void Ogre Dragon

1 Crimson Blader

1 Stardust Dragon

1 Ally of Justice Catastor

1 Diamond Dire Wolf

1 Ice Beast Zerofyne

1 Gagaga Cowboy

1 Number 66 - Master Key Beetle

1 Maestroke the Symphony Djinn

1 Wind-Up Zenmaines


2 Effect Veiler

2 Skill Drain

2 Xyz Encore

2 Mind Crush

2 Deck Devastation Virus

2 Trap Stun

1 Vanity's Emptiness

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Spirit Reaper (he's really just filler till I get a second Emptiness)


I went to a win-a-box today and found many more Dragons than I expected, there were 30-minute rounds so we drew a lot, I got 3 wins, 2 losses and a draw, playing 3 Dragons and beating them, losing to them and drawing to them. My other wins were Samurais and Mecha Phantom Beasts, my other loss was 3-axis. Not a bad day, I did OK considering I lost round 1 to really bad opening and then clawed my way back to 2-1-1 before losing to the Dragons who would eventually come second. 


Cards I'm considering putting in

Kochi the Daybreak (I'll put it in as soon as I get one, they're almost impossibly to find :/)

Vanity's in the main (my locals gets more and more Evilswarm-centred every week as people sell their Dragons, I kept it in the side for this event and I didn't lose out too bad, I sided it in for every Dragon matchup but tbh my Dragon game 1 is pretty solid anyway and I'd rather concentrate on winning the Evilswarm game 1 as it means I can go first game 3 and probably win. I think ATM it's better in the side)

Veilers in the main (at the expense of Maxx "C", which will go to the side. I don't even find Maxx C to be that good against Dragons, I normally end up saving it for Debris as otherwise they're OK to just summon one Dragon and beat me down. Veiler does a little bit (but not that much) more against Evilswarm, Constellars and Prophecy than Maxx "C" does, but Maxx "C" tends to do more as a card if I do successfully get it off. I'm iffy)

3rd MST (I'm fine with 2 really, I was maining none before today but seeing as it's so good against most of the top decks and I found myself siding it in most games anyway I put it to the main, 2 worked really well and were v. helpful, if I can find room I might add a 3rd)

Mystic Plasma Zone (to the side, it's helpful at getting rid of Spellbook Towers, Necrovalleys and Rogue Madolche Chateaus, as well as giving all my DARKs and attack boost and allowing me to search big Blackwings off small monsters with Whirlwind, e.g. Bora off Blizzard. I definitely plan on trying it out some time)


Cards I'm considering taking out

Lance (It's probably be for a 3rd MST, I originally ran it as filler but it's worked ok as a toolbox card that can help push my plays through or act as a pseudo-Mirror Force if they attack into my monster. I kind of like it but I can't help thinking another MST would help more)

Dark Armed (on one hand it dead draws a lot, on the other hand I win most of the games in which I drop it. Having said that, the amount of backrow this format means it's very hard to drop safely, and I find it dead draws more than it's useful. Definitely seriously considering cutting it)

Spirit Reaper (obviously)

Void Ogre Dragon (unless I can get a Kochi by next week I won't play it)


Cards I know I should be putting in

2nd Emptiness

Imperial Iron Wall.


Will test any well reasoned suggestions, but if you don't explain your suggestions I will just ignore them.

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Hey, long time no see :c Not sure if you'll remember me though.


Have you tested vayu? Oh and tourney report pl0x


Course I remember you :P


I've been running Vayu for almost all the time before now actually but I found it dead drew too often and it also made me play 2 Sirocco which I didn't want to do. I'll get a report up when I have more time.

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