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Bad Garden Bujins for locals

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[spoiler=BotFF - Bear x 1]

I have a bear fetish. It's also serving in place of the would be 3rd Mikazuchi as I expect to only get 2. If I manage to get the 3rd, expect to replace this with Mika


Mikazuchi x 2

Yamato x 3

[spoiler=Bujingi Centipede x 1]

I saw several players playing prohibition on MST. Sure I could go for Dust Tornadoes, but Centipede seems alot nicer, and I'm running it instead of 3 Quilin for versatility purposes.[/spoiler]

Bujingi Crane x 3

Bujingi Crow x 2 [Need 1 more which shouldn't be a problem]

Bujingi Quilin x 2

Bujingi Turtle x 3

Effect Veiler x 2

Honest x 1



Black Garden x 2

BoM x 1

Bujincarnation x 1

[spoiler=Fire Formation - Gyokkou x 2]

IDK about you guys, but at my locals there's alot of backrow heavy decks. I even saw Gladiators that set everything, E-Swarms, and the such as well as lol Bujins. It's not a big fix, but I found that Gyokkou gets in the way of these decks, and against mirror matches, it gives me an additional +100 ATK to my bujins...which has actually been the factoring difference between winning/loosing. It's also funny clogging my opponent's field.


Fire Formation - Tenki x 2

[spoiler=Forbidden Dress x 1

Forbidden Lance x 1

Kaiser Colosseum x 1]

My 1 of each for game 1 so I'm able to respond to most situations. 2nd copies of each in side for games 2-3 appropriately.


MST x 2

P. Duality x 2

[spoiler=Bujin Ragalia - The Sword x 1]

It's my swiss army knife tucked in my pocket for emergencies. Found it particularly useful against blind msts and baits. So nice that it's searchable.


CotH x 1

CED x 1

[spoiler=Horn of the Phantom Beast x 1]

My tech. I wanted a bit more draw power and I like how this card does that and a bit more. Also makes Yamato stay longer, and Susanowo...well yeah.


Mirror Force x 1



Stardust Dragon x 1

Abyss Dweller x 1

BotFF - Tiger King x 2

Bujintei Kagutsuchi x 1

Bujintei Susanowo x 2 [Just need the 2nd copy]

Constellar Omega x 1

Gagaga Cowboy x 2

Gem-Knight Pearl x 1

Maestroke x 1

Utopia x 1

Papiloperative x 1

Paladynamo x 1



Forbidden Dress x 1

Forbidden Lance x 1

Kaiser Colosseum x 1

Prohibition x 2

Dark Bribe x 2

DNA Surgery x 2

Fiendish Chain x 2

Mind Crush x 2

Vanity's Emptiness x 2


Cards italiziced are the only ones missing. Not really worried about the extra as I probably will only need the Bujinteis and maybe Abyss Dweller. I'll be obtaining all the underlined cards tmro morning.


Spoiler Cards are my personal techs for my locals along with their reasons.


So...help me out before I set off?

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