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Endbringer Cards (Worm) -- new cards added as of 11/8


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So yeah, if you aren't familiar with a certain Web Serial named "Worm," you won't have any idea what these are supposed to be. If you haven't read Worm yet, I suggest you do; it's very good.


In any case, about half of these are spoilers for Worm; I've separated the spoilery ones into their own section below.


On another note, I was only able to find art for some of these (For Behemoth I just used a picture of a Balrog, since the biggest difference between Behemoth and a Balrog IIRC is that Behemoth only ahs a single eye and no other facial features)


Anyway, here we go! We'll start with the first Endbringer to appear in the story, Leviathan:



When this Monster battles another Monster during your Battle Phase, all cards in your opponents spell and trap zones are returned to their owner's hand. If any cards are returned to your opponent's hand by this effect, this card may attack a second time. If another Monster with "Endbringer" in its name has existed on the field during this duel, this card may not be summoned by any means.


Yes, he's overpowered. I'm trying to accurately represent their in-universe abilities, here.


On that note, here's Behemoth!



Once per turn during your battle phase, you may select one monster with 3000 or less defense and destroy it. Any Monster with 3000 or less defense that declares an attack against this monster is destroyed during damage calculation. If another Monster with "Endbringer" in its name has existed on the field during this duel, this card may not be summoned by any means.


Anyway, I couldn't find a picture for the Ritual Card -- and it's name is a spoiler anyway -- so here's the text for the ritual card that summons him:


This card is used to Ritual Summon "Endbringer Behemoth". You must also Tribute monsters from your hand or field whose total Levels equal 12 or more. You may pay 6000 life points to special summon this card as an effect Monster (Beast-Type/Water/Level 7/ATK 0/DEF 0) and change its name to either "Dark Simorg" or "Simorgh, Bird of Divinity".


Note that its other effect can be used to help summon one of the other two. How does the last bit help with summoning? Because of the summoning condition for the last one, Simurgh:



Dark Simorgh+Simorgh, Bird of Divinity
During your Endphase, you may detach and banish 1 XYZ Material; Look through your opponent's deck and rearrange their cards.
If another Monster with "Endbringer" in its name has existed on the field during this duel, this card may not be summoned by any means.


...Yeah. That's pretty much the most accurate way mechanics-wise to sum up Simurgh's abilities; there's a reason she's considered the most dangerous Endbringer. As Worm's Author put it, "Leviathan levels land masses, Behemoth kills heroes, Simurgh derails plotlines."


And to cap off the no spoilers section, we have the Wormverse's "first and greatest hero," Scion!



This Monster may not be special summoned. You may tribute 3 Monsters when tribute summoning this card; if you do not, shuffle this card into your deck during your next standby phase. When this Monster battles, its original attack is 400 higher than that of the Monster it is battling. This Monster may not be targeted by card effects other than the effects of level 9 or higher, and may not be destroyed by card effects that do not target it.




Warning! There are MAJOR spoilers for Worm beyond this point!





You have been warned.


[spoiler="Spoiler Cards"]


In case you were wondering, the ritual card is named "Worthy Opponents."


Anyway, I also made a card for the fourth Endbringer, Khonsu:



This monster may only be fusion-summoned by banishing its materials from either graveyard, and may not be summoned in other ways. During your opponent's battle phase, roll 3 dice: Treat your opponent's Monster Card Zones as numbers 1-5, counting from your right, and banish the monster that is in the same Monster Card Zone as the result. If the result is 6, roll again. If this card is targeted by an attack or card effect, you may banish it until the End Phase.


...Yeah, Khonsu's kind of a hard one, really. It's not bad, per se, it just doesn't really measure up to the rest.


Speaking of which, naturally I've also done cards for the twin Endbringers, Tohu and Bohu. No pictures though, unfortunately.



This card may only be activated by banishing a Monster with "Endbringer" in its name from either graveyard. When this card is activated, you may special summon "Endbringer Tohu" from your hand or deck. End Phase: If there are no Crush Counters on this card, place one. If there is a Crush Counter on this card, remove all counters from this card and destroy all set cards your opponent controls. While you control an "Endbringer Tohu," this card may not be removed from the field.



This monster may not be normal summoned or set. This Monster may only be special summoned by the effects of "Endbringer Bohu." When this Monster is special summoned, you may select up to three monsters on the field or from either graveyard; this monster gains the effects of those monsters. When this Monster attacks, destroy all set Monsters your opponent controls. If your opponent controls a face-up monster(s) that does not have an effect that activates when flipped face-up, they may set it when this card declares an attack.


Honestly, I wish I could have done more with Bohu, but there's limited space on cards and the effects here do pretty much sum up Tohu and Bohu's "You hit 'em high I hit 'em low" sort of strategy.













...Alright, if you've come this far, I'm assuming that you've read Worm. If you haven't though, I strongly advise that you do not look at this next card. Seriously.



[spoiler="The Last Card"]And of course, there's no way I could cover the Endbringers without covering the biggest bad of them all: Zion.



This card may not be normal summoned or set. This card may only be special summoned from your hand during y by banishing one "Scion" you control that has been on the field for at least three turns. If this card is removed from the field, special summon it in attack position. This Monster is unaffected by card effects that would prevent it from attacking or from declaring an attack against a specific monster.


Naturally, this represents the whole "you're only fighting an avatar, he regenerates instantly if you're not attacking the source" thing that he did. As you may or may not have surmised, the only way to get rid of him is to take him off the field while you have something in play that stops special summoning; otherwise he's not going anywhere. I think this adequately represents how stupidly tough he was to kill.[/spoiler]




I, uh, put all of these cards together in about the space of a half-hour, so they aren't exactly masterpieces, but I like them. What do you guys think?

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Some people have kindly informed me that I missed a very important card! With two more cards left in this set before I can claim to have all of.... them, it's only natural that I'd make them! Naturallky they are both spoilers, but these two require support cards to be made and not all of them are spoilers, so lets show those first:



You may pay 1000 life points to negate an effect that would negate a summon or would destroy or banish a monster that you summoned during the phase this effect is activated. Cards you control that are part of the same chain as this card's effect cannot be negated.


First off is Worm's main character, Skitter. Given her general attitude and actions, I felt that making her a part of the Evil HERO archetype fit fairly well. There's a reason the story's tag line is "Doing the wrong things for the right reasons. As for the effect, I figured that something that only worked as part of a chain fit, given that Skitter's main strength in the story was creating combos with other people's powers.


Next up we have a character who only isn't a spoiler because knowing he exists won't tell you anything until he actually shows up:



Main Phase: You may banish 1 monster you control to special summon 1 banished monster that has the same level as the Monster banished by this effect. You may not perform a normal summon on the turn you activate this effect.


The effect's fairly self-explanatory, I think.


There's one more card that I suppose I could show in the non-spoiler section,  but I'll spoil it just to be safe. I'll put her in a separate spoiler section regardless though.

[spoiler="One more card"]

This card is treated as a Normal Monster while face-up on the field or in the Graveyard. While this card is face-up on the field, you can Normal Summon it to have it be treated as an Effect Monster with this effect:
● This Monster gains 500 attack. During your next standby phase, this Monster returns to being a normal monster, but its attack does not decrease.


So to sum up, she's a normal monster most of the time, but instead of a normal summon you can increase her attack by 500 once per turn. Not spectacular by itself, but combine it with a card that causes Gemini Monsters to always have their effects and it automatically happens every turn...


In short, you can either boost her attack each turn instead of summoning a monster, or you can use certain cards to trigger explosive growth...[/spoiler]


And finally, we have the Massive Spoiler Cards!!! For you guys. Let's get started!


[spoiler="Spoilery Goodness"]

First off we'll complete what Noelle started, and reveal her monstrous final form! ...Which I don't have a picture for.



1 Psychic-Type Gemini Monster with an effect+1 Trap card that is treated as a monster
If the fusion or synchro summon of a monster you control is negated, you may special summon this monster from your extra deck. This Monster may only be summoned by Fusion Summon or its own effect, and may not be summoned in other ways. While there is a fusion, synchro, or xyz Monster in your grave, this monster cannot be destroyed. When this Monster battles an opponent's monster, special summon to your side of the field a Shard-Spawn token with the same attack, defense, and effect as the monster it battled with.


Anyone familiar with Worm will understand the effect here. While it's possible to Fusion Summon this Monster with Noelle Meinhardt and a Trap-Monster, you're meant to summon it with its effect -- that's part of why the fusion materials are so esoteric.


Anyway, on to the next one! While worm's protagonist was a villain for most of the story, III couldn't possibly forget the time she spent as a hero:



Must be Special Summoned with "Mask Change" and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Standby Phase: Select 1 card on the field. Until your next standby phase, that card's effect is negated, and if it is a monster it cannot attack. Ignore any card effects that would prevent you from resolving this ability.


(Yes I know that picture is from when she was Skitter. Shut up.)


A someone who changed names, sides, and costumes, using Mask Change to bring her out seemed fitting. The effect represents her various tricks with silk that she used later on in the series, as well  as her constantly taking down people whose powers should have been perfect counters for her own.


And of coursde, that card leads into the one that you've all been waiting for...



1 Psychic-Type Tuner Monster+"Masked Hero Weaver"
End Phase: Banish all cards in your graveyard, then take control of 1 card your opponent controls. While you control cards other than this one, this card cannot be the target of attacks or card effects. If there are no cards in your grave when this card's effect would activate, destroy all cards you control except for this one instead of activating the effect.


She's named "Bringer of the End" to sidestep the issues that would come up if she was treated as an Endbringer monster by Endbringer effects. Naturally, you're supposed to bring her out by using Doormaker as a tuner -- though I suppose I might eventually make a card for Panacea that could be used as well.


As for her effect, she can use her power to control anything, but at a cost. Part of that cost is that you have to have something go to the graveyard each turn, or you're stuck with nothing on your side of the field except a 0/0 sitting duck. [/spoiler]

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