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Rob Ford admits to smoking crack. The Iron Shiek challenges Rob Ford to arm wrestling.

Just Crouton

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Rob Ford story if you don't know: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-202_162-57610914/toronto-mayor-rob-ford-admits-smoking-crack/


Blah blah blah mayor is bad blah blah blah shocking scandal blah blah blah funny segment on Daily Show blah blah blah another funny segment on the Daily Show blah blah blah


But then, I saw this.


Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/11/06/iron-sheik-rob-ford_n_4227914.html



Because things CAN always get weirder at Toronto City Hall. Famous WWE wrestler, the Iron Sheik showed up to City Hall challenging Mayor Rob Ford to an arm wrestling match.


The Iron Sheik, aka Hossein Khosrow Ali Vaziri, was an Iranian wrestler turned WWE heel in the 1980s and 1990s. The Sheik is apparently taking exception to Mayor Ford's drug habits.


"Rob Ford i [sic] coming for you," The Sheik tweeted earlier on Wednesday. He also posted an angry rant on Instagram


*Video in article*


The Sheik's appearance at City Hall took the City Hall press corp by surprise.


*Pics in the article*


And, of course, sparked at least one joke about the Camel Clutch, one of the Sheik's closers.




*Twitter pic*


This isn't Rob Ford's first run-in with a professional wrestler. Earlier this summer, Rob Ford arm-wrestled Hulk Hogan.


The Iron Sheik is in Toronto for a comedy roast.






EDIT: Kayfabe News made a joke article in response to this story.

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