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[CFV] Bite the Dust


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1 Evolving Reincarnation, Miraioh
4 Shining Lady
4 Red Lighting
4 Schoneswetter
4 Minimum Raizer

4 Beat Down Samurai
4 Twin Blader
4 Screaming and Dancing Announcer, Shout

4 Daredevil Samurai
3 Street Bouncer
2 Hungry Dumpty

4 Asura Kaiser
4 Mont Blaukluger
4 Forever Invincible! Asura Kaiser!

A small guide on the silliness that is currently Bite the Dust!

Step 1 - Break Ride Mont over Forever Asura Kaiser. This will put him up to 21000.
Step 2 - Swing with your Rearguards, boosted by the absolutely astounding Beatdown Samurai.
Step 3 - Swing with Forever Asura Kaiser at their Vanguard, paying the cost to restand all of your Rearguards. This will give each Beatdown Samurai +12000.
Step 4 - Check the Grade 3! This is crucial, as the Ultimate Hellstand can now start!
Step 5 - Restand your Vanguard by CB2 and discard 2, giving your Forever Asura Kaiser an additional 10000 and restanding his booster! Beatdown Samurai has now gained +18000
Step 6 - Attack with your rearguards and their 25000 Beatdown Samurai!
Step 7 - Attack with Forever Asura Kaiser, restanding your board with Mont's break ride skill yet again and boosting Beatdown Samurai by +30000!
Step 8 - Win!
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Looks solid. In theory at least.
Can't really see much to improve on beyond maybe run 5 draw 7 crit? Even with the cycling you've got, getting to Beatdowns Asura, and Mont quickly seems worth the extra draw.
Let me know how it tests if you get around to that.

Already tested it a lot with Chris. The deck is astoundingly powerful. It's near enough impossible to guard the Forever Asura Kaiser BR turn
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Oh fun. I'm sure Chris loved using this (Since if he wasn't running this something bizzare has happened)
What's it gone up against so far?


Pretty solid standings vs all of them. Sucks how you can't devote as early as other decks though, making it very easy to guard your first few attacks.
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Pretty solid standings vs all of them. Sucks how you can't devote as early as other decks though, making it very easy to guard your first few attacks.


Hmm... really wanna see the Link Joker match now (Given I'm assuming it's gonna be bad) And something like Great Nature.


The late game more than makes up for that, a lot like the first crazy Diamond.

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So this deck is just the actual stones now.


Also, to clarify the use of Shout and Bouncer to the question posed earlier. This is a combo deck, through and through. You basically aim to assemble Mont + Invincible Asura and a couple of the Samurais, and then win in one turn. Because of that, the maximum amount of draw and filtering power in required, so the two "free" ways of doing this are an auto-include.


I would personally play a 4th Bouncer over one of the Hungry Dumpties, by the way.

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