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Maxx's Take On Noble Knights


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Need more artorigus if you want to play the Ladies' way. Need less Joan, and more dualities. Gallatin is not that good, same as Arfeundutyr, you should add more Destinies. The rest is fine, I think. Definitely needs Catastor in the Extra though.

There's already two Dualities O.o


Strangely enough, I have yet to draw either of those, so I have no qualms about dropping those. And I ahve yet to draw Lady or Joan either, so -shrug-.

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Max, Sixth Sense IS worth the risk. You either draw 5 or 6 cards, or more than likely mill extra NAs which Xyz Artorigus can equip to himself. You'd have to be bonkers NOT to play it.

Putting it that way I can see it, but I have yet to get to a point with this deck I can even get a Xyz out.

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Oh, NP.

I just hate that people are not acknowledging Lady of the Lake and several of the Arms. 

I mean, they have merit. I'm not out there to try to make this an unstoppable deck. I'm playing this just to make it fun.

Well, they have a time and a place, just....for general use, they aren't the greatest to run. If I REALLY wanted to go for the gold, I'd go the Artorigus/Lady route and convert this to be more Normal-friendly, but at the moment it's just kinda...generic NK's.



Okay, updated. Took less work than I thought.

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