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[Leaderboard] Therrion vs Infinite Rainbow

Nathanael D. Striker

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1. All Leaderboard and Tournament Rules Apply

2. First to 3 votes or most by 11:59 pm Pacific Time on November 6th wins.
3. Votes must have a valid reason.
4. Winner gets 1 Rep from loser.
5. I have the right to add rules.


Card Requirement

Make a card that utilizes the column feature. See Senet Switch, etc.


Card A


2 level 7 Spellcaster-type monsters
You can Xyz summon this card by using a Spellcaster-type Synchro monster you control and a Spell Card in your hand as the Xyz Material. This card cannot activate its effect the turn it was summoned this way. Once per turn, when you activate a Normal Spell Card during your Main Phase, you can detach 1 Xyz material from this card; The effect of the Spell Card is instead: Discard 1 card. Destroy all of your opponent's cards in the same column as a "Monochrome Witch of the Shooting Star" you control, then move it to an adjacent column. 
Until your next standby phase after this card activated this effect, this card cannot be targetted by other card effects.


Card B


You can Tribute Summon this card by Tributing 1 WATER monster. When this card is Tribute Summoned by Tributing 1 monster: Select 1 Monster Card Zone; destroy any card in that Zone, and that Zone cannot be used (while you control this card). If this card was Tribute Summoned by Tributing 2 monsters, destroy all other cards in this card's column. Those Zones cannot be used (while you control this card).

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Card A: Can use things such as Librarian and Arcanite, plus a Spell card from hand to Xyz Summon instead of the traditional 2 Level 7s (in exchange for not using its effect that turn); detaches to make any Normal Spell a discard/destroy effect and gives it immunity to targeting cards until next Standby Phase.


Card B: Can be Tribute Summoned with a WATER monster; can either destroy an opponent's monster + seal that zone (with 1 tribute) or take out both a monster + S/T zone your opponent has (with the risk of your own S/T if you use 2).



In card A's case, like I mentioned in the summary, all one needs to do is just SS any Spellcaster Synchro (former card mentioned is relatively easy to bring out in certain Decks) and have some Spell card in hand; then they can summon it w/out its effect that turn. When it does get its effect, it essentially turns any Normal Spell into a Blasting Fuse-esque card (minus affecting your side), then allows it to switch to another zone + become unaffected by targeting effects until next turn.


Card B's case requires it to be Tribute Summoned + be face-up to get any usage of its effects, however either one results in your opponent being able to summon less monsters (first one is plain monster destruction; second is like Blasting with the exception of it locking off usage of the zones).



It's a tough vote between both cards, but card B takes it due to balance reasons.

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Card A:

The alternate Xyz Summoning method is not bad, giving a bunch of Synchro decks access to this card. And the effect lock the Xyz when summoned this way prevents abuse. Then, I find the effect good: It is a +0 at best that grants protection to the Xyz, and the fact that it specifically requires a Normal Spell might be considered a downside or the balancing factor, as I cannot think in decks that run a lot of Normal Spells besides staples (except Prophecies, but they usually don't have access to Spellcaster Synchros, and getting 2 Priestesses on the field for Xyz Summoning this card is situational and at that point it would be more of a win-more move). Most likely one would have to build a deck dedicated to this card to take full advantage of it.


Card B:

The effects are balanced, but I find the card impractical: Using 2 Tributes for this card won't be easy, so you better focus on its Monarch-like first effect, which means that basically it can only be ran in WATER decks, Frognarchs or in "A Legendary Ocean" decks for Normal Summoning with 1 monster of any attribute.



My vote goes for Card A for having the advantage of being an Extra Deck monster (doesn't need to be searched, won't clog in the hand), and its creativity with the alternate summoning method.

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I vote for Card A due to a number of reasons.

Reason Number 1, the biggest: Mermails don't need another level 7 that is easy to summon. Period. And not one that can pop cards on top of it. It is pretty much balanced though, not an issue.

Reason 2: Card A stops being used by Rank-Seven Heavy decks. And it has a rather unique way of being summoned. T.G. Hyper Librarian, anyone? =3

Reason 3: Its effect (Card A) is still somewhat taxing to use. Card B is a one-man wrecking crew. Card B still is an awesome card, just to easy to use. And yes, I noticed it clogs up one of your own columns too. Card B is pretty awesome. I just like A better. Card A also blocks things like Dimensional Prison while blowing up only your opponent's cards. 


Both cards were really nicely designed with the contest in mind. Props to both card makers, as it was a hard decision one which card to vote on. Card A just appealed to more of the things I like in a card. Both seemed equally balanced in my mind, when considered as one card. 

Good luck to both of you!

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Card A is really cool. because it's like the best master spark card ever made But it does not need the last effect. It's a cool concept with great execution and props to you for making it, Ain. I'm a sucker for Spellcasters and alternate Xyz Summon methods, but I hope it doesn't cloud my judgement too much. It has much potential for archetypes to boot. 


Card B is kinda meh to me. It's a lockdown thing, and it's more of niche than something you'd actually invest. However, even as something for casual matches, card A is far better IMO. 

Vote goes to A. Sorry for not clarifying more. 

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Oh my god. This is really a close round between me and Therrion. Thought the alt-summon condition would be the bane of my card.

Thank you for all of you who have voted in this thread!

Anyway, as for the card itself, I'm designing it as both a support for Spell Counter-based decks(who run a lot of spells) and Black-white wave(or whatever the TCG name is).

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I forgot about this. GG Ain.

I forgot WATER Attribute screams Mermails, apparently. Silly Therrion.

In a WATER Deck, it is a 2500ATK Monarch with a beneficial Level and removal that neither targets nor destroys. I see no bad in it, but I guess I need to spice up my game. I just figured I'd go for a Main Deck monster, since I have a soft spot for Tribute Summons since they're harder to pull off/make good enough, but I should've expected an Extra Deck monster to be what I go against and likewise lose to. Well done Ain.


Honestly, seemed more like a 3-1 though. Tyranitar shouldn't have been counted due to lack of actual content. I do appreciate your liking of my card, however ^^

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