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Marshall Mathers LP 2


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What about him makes you think so? I would understand if you didn't like rap.


I enjoy Hip-Hop/Rap but I honestly feel that Eminem is just a complete joke, and not in a good sense, he pretty much just is either way too over-the-top or whinny in all of his tracks, I also think that his voice is completely unbearable for more than 10 seconds. I used to dig his stuff a lot, but honestly I don't see what I originally saw in him.

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It's obviously Eminem trying to return to his peak, hence that album name, and however hard he tries, trying to emulate his peak will never be good as the career peak itself. Based on the few singles he's released beforehand (I assume it's been leaked since it comes out in a few days, and you seem to have listened to it already), it's definitely a return to what he does best (more classic hip-hop), and even when he goes down a more poppy route (see The Monster), it's decent stuff. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a bit of R&B-influenced rap, rather than hip-hop influenced rap.

He was great with his angsty stuff on Recovery, but he did just sound needlessly angry so much of the time. I'm sure that most would agree that he's best when he utilises his fairly decent wit and skitty stuff. Overall, I just expect him to pump out a solid album, but it's probably not gonna be world-shaking.

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