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how to get a lot of people to join a contest



i have made four different contests, all of which have fallen on their faces. my question is, what makes for a popular contest? i tried a kirby contest, a multi-attribute contest, a strange fusion contest, even a pokemon contest, but no one ever joined! HELP ME! I WANT TO HOST A POPULAR CONTEST FOR ONCE!!!!

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9 answers to this question

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THe only contest I ever really got going was the Grim Reaper contest.


Become known, and not as an annoying twit who is a waste of coding. (I am NOT saying thats what you are)

Post very clear rules to the contest

Play to the crowd- If its not going right, edit it to make it likeable

Do something people will like. For example, the two most fun contests I have ever been in were wightpowers Monster Mash Contest (http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/306613-monster-mash-contest-finished/) and the Attribute Contest by ByondEon(http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/306973-attribute-contest-not-accepting-started/) because they were new and original and really fun.

Maybe my advice sucks, but for what its worth, theres my two cents

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You do also need to know the crowd, I doubt many people would join a kirby contest even if you were "The Co-King of Card Contests".


That title was an award I won back in 2011. It's Co-King because I tied with Smesh. Anyway, I agree with you about knowing the crowd. It is important to know what potential contestants are into before making a contest.

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You don't have a good track record of running good contests. Look, I had to claw my way up to the status I'm in now. It took multiple contests and the right kind of people. Heck, that's mainly how I became Co-King of Card Contests in 2011. Just start out small and go from there.

You could not sound more vain.

The basic principle you need for anything you run to succeed here is reputation. Build one up, that's it.
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