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New Pokemon Game (not X and Y)


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The Pokémon Company Is Working On A Detective Game In Which Pikachu Is Your Partner

Gotta sleuth 'em all?

It would appear that The Pokémon Company is working on a 3DS title which places you in the role of a detective who is teamed up with the famous Pikachu.

The game was revealed during Japanese TV programme "The Professionals" in an episode which focused on Pokémon Company CEO Tsunekaz Ishihara.

The game has a proposed development cycle of two years, although the programme didn't make clear when work had actually started. According to the show, a rare version of Pikachu will serve as the game's central villain.


Fuckin' bastards stole my fanfic idea! ;_;

Also Trozei 2, but lol Trozei.
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At least we know from this that the 3DS will still be around in 2 years time

I hope :P


Actually it will be replaced with the 4DS, bringing the 4D action into the hands of children, get water sprayed on you, gusts breathed onto you and the flames of charizard scorched onto your skin!!!!!!!!!!


But if it has a 2 year cycle then we could see it around Oct 2015 maybe Sept. If not then Early 2016 at the latest.

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