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Neos Wiseman


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Hi guys, for a while I had taken an exodus from playing YGO but I'm getting back into it now. It's been about 2 years (or maybe less) so I've really missed a lot. Before I kinda lost interest, I had a Wiseman deck, which I'll post below. I've updated it according to the new banlist, so it would be great if you guys could help me out and suggest any amendments, additions or removals (including any staples I'm missing) and so on, as well as suggesting a good side deck to go along. Essentially I'm claiming my n00b status.


Nonetheless, the deck is centred around getting Wiseman out quickly, but the killer combo is to get Terror Incarnate and Wiseman out at the same time, since Incarnate destroys everything except Wiseman, leaving the field open for direct attacks. Other cards, including the tuners and XYZ are all for stalling purposes.



Main Deck




2x Elemental Hero Neos

1x Shiba-Warrior Taro

1x Vylon Prism

1x Effect Veiler

3x Treeborn Frog

1x Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

3x Elemental Hero Neos Alius

3x Elemental Hero Prisma

3x Mystic Tomato

2x Neos Wiseman

3x Yubel

1x Yubel - Terror Incarnate

1x Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare




3x E - Emergency Call

3x Mystical Space Typhoon

3x Pot of Duality

1x The Warrior Returning Alive


TRAP - 8


1x Call of the Haunted

2x Limit Reverse

2x Safe Zone

1x Torrential Tribute

2x Mirror Force




1x Elemental Hero Grand Neos

1x Black Rose Dragon

1x Stardust Dragon

1x Colossal Fighter

1x Ally of Justice Catastor

3x Number 39: Utopia

3x Steelswarm Roach

3x Blade Armor Ninja

1x Wind-Up Zenmaister


I'd appreciate your help guys, and preferably without a condescending tone, I'm essentially new to the game again.



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This, honestly, doesn't look like a Neos Wiseman.dek
Part of this is the fact that you have such an abundance of random card choices, that it's hard to come to a conclusion on what your clear intentions are.



I can see your point.


The key idea is to have numerous ways to get Neos (or a monster called Neos) and Yubel on the field so that Wiseman can be summoned in addition to Terror Incarnate. This allows me to use Incarnate to destroy opponent's monsters whilst using Wiseman to attack.


Any particular cards you would omit or suggest an entirely different deck?

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+ Neos
- Prism
- Taro
- Vieler
-3 Frog
- Mole
+3 Phantom of Chaos
+ Chaos Sorc.

-1 E
-1 O
-1 MST
-3 Duality
+ Foolish Burial
+ Dark Hole
+ Burial DD
+2 Miracle Fusion
+ Parrallel World Fusion
+2 Reacuring Nightmare
+ Gold Sarc.

+ Limit Reverse
-2 Safe Zone
- Mirror Force
+ Solemn
+ Bottomless

- All Synchro
+2 Laval Chain
-3 Roach
+2 Paladynamo
+2 Escuriado
+2 Shining

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