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[CFV]Pre-Set 12 Liberators


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Went to LA Qualifiers today. Picked up Liberators TD and decided to build a deck. I plan to run Alfred Break ride when Set 12 comes out. For the sake of simplicity Royal Paladins that converted to GP will just have "Liberator" in front of their original name.





x4 Heal


x8 Crit



Liberator Marron x2

Gareth x4

Liberator Llew x2

Halo Shield Mark x3



Liberator Gallatin x2

Beaumains x2

Blaster Blade Liberator x4

Zoom Down Eagle x2

Liberator Phallon x2



Liberator Gancelot x4

Ezel x2

Plat Ezel x2



I tried making viable yet remaining true to Liberators in someway. I also picked up Liberator Alfred sleeves at a vendor for $8. Was able to beat a Goku/Overlord hybrid and an Ezel/Garmore (2x Garmore, 3x Ezel, 3x Plat Ezel) hybrid and had to go. 



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