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Sphinxy, Barbarotic & Sinful


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2 Andro Sphinx

3 Beast King Barbaros

2 Beast Machine King Barbaros Ür

3 Cardcar D

3 Malefic Cyber End Dragon

2 Sphinx Teleia


3 Forbidden Lance

3 Necrovalley

3 Pot of Duality


1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

3 Dark Bribe

3 Horn of the Phantom Beast

3 Pyramid of Light

1 Sixth Sense

3 Skill Drain

1 Solemn Warning

1 Torrential Tribute


15 extra deck that I cba to list

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I only got 1 question about this: Why is sixth sense in there? With this list, I can't even describe how many ways you can go minus with it.

Because a card that basically says "1/3 of the time that you resolve this, you win the game" is a bit too powerful to ignore. Also, cards from Deck to Grave don't count as minuses in card advantage. The only minus Sixth Sense generates is the natural -1 lost in using a card.

Having tested Ur extensively, I can say that even with Skill Drain it just isn't worth it. Heck, you're even running Necrovalley, a card that makes him basically worthless anyway.

I ddon't know much about Pyramid of Light decks, so I can't help you with the rest of the deck.

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