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Ownage Contest!

The Dark Master

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[align=center] My first contest...in...well...forever 0_o


The idea for this contest is to create a set [unlimited amount of cards] about...yourself [screenname]


You must exhibit personality and things about yourself [metaphorically speaking, that you must basically describe your imaginary self in the image of a card]


This contest will end March 31, and will be judged in April...




1st - 3rd reps [40 points]

2nd - 2 reps [20 points]

3rd - 1 rep [10 points]


get card making [wow I love that catch phrase!][/align]

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:shock: Sweet, can we make supports that doesn't have to do with you, but to say, your friends???

And same question as Aximil, does the card have to be based on you or your screen name? In which case, forget about the first question.


EDIT: Entry Reserved.

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