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Thunder Emperor


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Monsters: 15
Photon Thrasher x2
Thunder Sea Horse x2
Masked Chameleon x2
Mahunder x2
Pahunder x2
Kagetokage x2
Batteryman AAA x3
Spells: 16
Reinforcement of the Army x1
One Day of Peace x1
Upstart Goblin x3
Foolish Burial x1
Pot of Duality x2
Pot of Dichotomy x1
Recycling Batteries x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Book of Moon x1
Traps: 9
Sixth Sense x1
Xyz Reborn x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x1
Mirror Force x2
Breakthrough Skill x2
Compulsory Evacuation Device x1
Solemn Warning x1
Extra: 15
Jeweled Red Dragon Archfiend x1
Crimson Blader x1
Stardust Spark Dragon x1
Evilswarm Ouroboros x1
Number 104: Masquerade x1
Constellar Omega x1
King of the Feral Imps x1
Diamond Dire Wolf x1
Starliege Paladynamo x1
Lavalval Chain x1
Daigusto Emeral x1
Gagaga Cowboy x1
LVAL's not released yet, but this is a plan ahead, based on the testing done with Tsukuyomi and Number 101. Have yet to try testing Belzebuth, but it's pretty clear it's a staple.
2 Ma/2 Ka/2 Pa Ratio:
I've always hated 3 Pahunder 3 Mahunder because it clogged, and the space they took up was usually better suited to running a Kagetokage because it was searchable under more favorable circumstances than not SSing for a turn.
I tried 3 Ma, 3 Ka, 2 Pa, but even then I felt like the extra copies of Ma and Kagetokage clogged, so I cut them down to 2. Still testing this, but so far, it's testing pretty smoothly.
I'd run 3 Kagetokage if Maxx "C" wasn't a thing, but it is, so yeah. Scratch that. I don't want more Kagetokage, I want less simply because it's not as good T1 as Thrasher or a Hunder. Sadly, 3 Ma 1 Ka and 3 Thrasher 1 Ka both tested worse than 2 Ka 2 Them. I really wish there was another good SS-able Level 4 LIGHT monster... Kagetokage isn't bad, but not being LIGHT for Tsukuyomi hurts. A lot.
AAA is still an amazing card that lets you make all sorts of free or cheaper plays, like a 1-card Paladynamo, a 2-card Masquerade, etc. Optimal opening when going first is Rota/Thrasher/Foolish Burial + AAA, because it generally means I'm set up for the rest of the game. It's a temp -1, but could be worse.
101 is a niche card that has some uses over Paladynamo, mostly for disruption. Being a 2100 that doesn't die 1-2 times is nice as well, given that you force them to play around losing a combo piece in a lot of situations. Since this, I've started using it more and more, for Blaster, R5 Artorigus once Excaliburn is gone, etc. Generally better to go into than Paladynamo if the monster was SSd.
Alas, poor Thunder Shark Dragon... I knew him well. Belzebuth is even more stupid than I realized. I sometimes want thunder Spark Back because of the fact that it's not a IF YOU'RE LOSING card, but I don't have space.
EDIT 11/7/2013: And now some stuff that's been added/changed/etc. Bolded parts above are edits as well..
Trying without Lance because MST's more vital this format than Lance. I can still use both, but just testing the waters.
Pot of Dichotomy's really good for later turn Tsukuyomi turns and for Belzebuth turns. It's a silly tech that I could easily cut, but I'mma use it a bit longer. I have a love/hate with it so don't mind me being silly.
Don't think I NEED 3 Recycling Batteries, but unsure what else to fill its slot with... If you can think of a 1-of for this slot or 2-of for this + Dichotomy, I wouldn't mind suggestions. No third Duality, though.
3 Upstarts because I really need thinning and I do not like Maxx "C" in the main.
Lavalval Chain: While a slower form of setup, it still pairs well with Recycling Batteries/AAAs in hand/etc., and just makes the game smoother. It can also ditch Upstarts later in the game, or a Breakthrough Skill if I need it ASAP.
Daigusto Emeral: It's a really, REALLY goog card to play after you've gone through the deck a bit, especially after King Feral and Tsukuyomi plays. Just lets you keep on going. Resetting Synchros, Chameleon, Tsukuyomi, King, and more isn't too shabby, either. Honestly feel like it's the least important card in the Extra, but it's still a really strong card for the times it's made. I honestly don't see how anyone could think it's bad here. Not 100% needed, but certainly not bad.
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Swap an Upstart for a 3rd Lance?
You've got a lot of Extra Deck shenanigans going on, so the extra protection is always nice =D

But it's a 3-0 card. Running just 1 or 2 of it serves no point, really .~.


I'm currently siding the third lance.

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Is Reinforcement of the Army worth it when you only run 2 targets? /hypocrite for running RoTA with only 3 targets.


I suppose it is because of how the Deck functions as massive search and advantage generation. Deck looks very good, honestly. And No. 101 is freaking awesome.

I'd rather run it over a third Photon Thrasher, and deck thinning is always good. If it's dead, I'm either winning or hopelessly losing anyways, so it's never really dead, and the pros outweigh the cons.


And yes, that is exactly it. Now that I have Bujintei Tsukuyomi, it gets really slippery if it's not stopped basically immediately, as it's not that hard to keep a 2300 defense monster on the field with backrow, especially when Lance is a thing.


And while if I don't have backrow it would be harder to keep him out, I'm never gonna make him unless I have a way to empty my hand enough and/or deal with the opponent, so it will usually get 2 uses a game. Not guaranteed though.


Trying out Breakthrough Skills over Mirror Forces, because I want some negation and I don't like Foolish in a format where MST is good again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How well does Foolish test? I've never been a fan of it in here.


Since, if it's not great, I think Lance being back in here, even as only a 2 of without one of the Batteries. Since I still the combat trick potential as well as the backrow protection sounds really nice as just a thing to have. And it's never exactly bad by any means.

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How well does Foolish test? I've never been a fan of it in here.


Since, if it's not great, I think Lance being back in here, even as only a 2 of without one of the Batteries. Since I still the combat trick potential as well as the backrow protection sounds really nice as just a thing to have. And it's never exactly bad by any means.

It makes bad hands playable, is prime fodder for Tsukuyomi if I draw it early and don't need it, and is generally just a goodstuffs. It's not the best card in the deck, but it's in no way a bad card in the deck when getting a Trips in the grave will probably make the game much easier for you. 


And opening Seahorse + Foolish feels so good. Not as good as Tsukuyomi T1, mind you, but good all the same.


Like I said, just trying to go without Lance. I can easily make space for it to go back in, just trying without.

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