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4-Axis Fire Fists for Regionals


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My second regionals of the format is coming up on the 27th, so help would be appreciated.  I dropped after 7 Rounds and losing 4 at the last one, so I figured I could use some help.  


Monsters: 15

3 Bear

3 Boar

2 Dragon

2 Gorilla

2 Wolfbark

3 Veiler


Spells: 14

2 Tenki

2 Tensu

2 Gyokkou

3 Duality


2 Lance

1 Dark Hole


Traps: 11

2 Tensen

1 Tenken

2 Fiendish

2 D-Prison

1 Mirror Force

1 Bottomless

1 Torrential

1 Warning


Extra: 15

2 Blader

1 Kirin

3 Tiger King

2 Cardinal

1 Peal

1 #39

1 Maestroke

1 Cowboy

1 Emeral

1 #50

1 Papilloperative


Side: 15

3 Iron Wall

3 Banisher of the Radiance

3 Gozen Match

2 Light-Imprisoning Mirror

2 Debunk

2 Maxx "C"


Side Deck is much improved in my opinion, and covers for a wide variety of decks.  My only issue is getting lucky enough to draw what I sided in, which doesn't seem to happen 70% of the time....


Things I'm debating on:


Leopard over Dualtiy


Shadow-Imprisoning Mirrors


Rivalry of Warlords 


Main-decking Maxx "C"

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I've been hearing 3-Axis and 4-Axis tossed around a lot, but I don't know what they mean. 


Basically, Axis = Level.


3-Axis focuses more on Spirit and Horse Prince plays while getting support from Rooster.  4-Axis focuses on beating with Bear and Tiger King, while also abusing Wolfbark a bit.  

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