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The "Flame King"s; FIRE Archetype


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This is an Archetype I just made that does somewhat act like the Fire Kings; but I wanted more options for making a FIRE deck. Feedback welcomed.



Basics 1st Tier



2nd Tier:



Tier 3: Fire Lords



Tier 4: God of Fires

1110.jpg The more balanced version. >>> 11210.jpg


3 Level 8 FIRE Monsters

While you control a face-up FIRE monster; the Xyz Summon of this card cannot be negated. If a FIRE monster is destroyed by card effect; you can Special Summon 1 FIRE monster with 200 DEF from your hand or graveyard. During your End Phase, destroy all cards Special Summoned by this effect. This card cannot be destroyed by the effects of FIRE monsters. Once per turn, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; Special Summon 1 FIRE monster from your deck.
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