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Airride's Fortune Ladies


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Might make this IRL, considering it's the only deck I really like playing that doesn't need an expensive Extra (I have most of the Xyz and Catastor anyway, so...)

Extra is kind of whatever except for the synchros since it doesn't really need to xyz too often, even if it is nice.

Haven't really updated the deck too much since the format change, so...Advice is welcome, since IDK what I'm doing.

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Unkown lets me basically dump a hand'd Water/Fire into the grave if my field's empty while getting Mist Bird or Catastor with it, or an insta Dark. Haven't tested it yet, but it seems alright. Plus it's another target for Allure, which is neat.

One for One...I don't like the Monster discard too much, since this deck is low on them, and I usually want to keep Trag/BLS/Vieler in hand. I'll test it out though.

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I don't like the theory of Temprance. I usually want to use Power on Dark itself, and when I have 1 Powered up dark on the field, there's not much point to more, Wisdom prefers to be activated on the summon of dark (protect it from BTH/TT/Etc), and Life...Wouldn't be bad with it (Since Reviving Water with it for a +3 is really good), but even then, I hate the fact that it would then lock me out of Reviving Darks with Darks, which is usually the optimal play.

It would work a bit better if this was more of a hybrid build with less of a focus on the Ladies and more on the Spellbook/Prophecy, but it really doesn't seem like it would hold its own as is.

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