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Yes it is. The deck can be really stupid in a good way, but I feel that it could be a bit better. The last few games I had played with it just didn't go in my favor at all. A side deck would have helped a lot because decks with cards that destroy more than one card at a time can be a real issue. That and decks with heavy back row destruction are a real issue as well, obviously. Harpies are a nightmare. Siding some wabs would help a bit, but that still means they get to attack the monsters and ruin their effects. Mirrors would be nice, but they aren't chainable...

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The problem with Emptiness is that Roar, Ceiling, Horn, Swords, ect are all going to hit the grave. The deck isn't fast enough to make full use of Emptiness. There is always Pachy, which I have already made a build for, but I am still messing with it.

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