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Dream Soda


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3 Cyber Dragon
3 Cyber Dragon Dwei
3 Cyber Dragon Core
3 Cyber Eltanin
2 Machina Fortress
1 Honest
1 Machina Gearframe

1 Cyber Valley


3 Cyber Repair
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
3 Light of Redemption

1 Limiter Removal


3 Cyber Network

3 Raigeki Break
2 Mirror Force
1 Solemn Warning
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Torrential Tribute

1 Return from the Different Dimension


3 Cyber Dragon Nova
3 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2 Cyber Twin Dragon

1 Cyber End Dragon
1 Constellar Pleiades
1 Number 61: Volcasaurus
1 Geargigant X
1 Number 11: Big Eye
1 Felgrand the Divine Dragon Knight

1 Coach King Giantrainer

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Try using Lightray Sorcerer or grepher in place of the Machina Engine. Also, you can use more Paladynamo/Omega/101/Constellswarm Belzebuth in the extra. Triple Fortress seems really overkill though. Same case with triple Eltanins.


I didn't know about Belzebuth until you mentioned it here. How come there is not a thread about it in TCG&OCG Discussion?


EDIT: Found the thread



On Topic:

I am still familizaring with the new Cyber Dragon cards so I got no suggestions for the Deck.

However, I see a couple of Rank 8 Xyzs in the Extra Deck but I don't get how is this deck supposed to Summon them, unless by using Cyber Twin Dragons or Fortress Dragons as Materials, but wouldn't that be too situational even with the swarming capabilities of Network?

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