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Beat-Down Deck (Total 41)

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Normal (Total 9)

Sabersaurus x3

Alien Shocktrooper x1

Luster Dragon x3

Summoned Skull x1

Blue-Eyes White Dragon x1


Effect (Total 13)

The Calculator x1

Night Assailant x1

Man-Eater Bug x2

Mystic Swordsman LV2 x1

Exiled Force x1

Mataza the Zapper x2

Snipe Hunter x1

Reflect Bounder x1

Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch x1

Invader of Darkness x1

The Wicked Avatar x1


Spell (Total 15)

Axe of Despair x1

Brain Control x1

Fissure x1

Hammer Shot x1

Heavy Storm x1

Lightning Vortex x1

Malevolent Nuzzler x2

Megamorph x1

Monster Reborn x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Nobleman of Crossout x1

Premature Burial x1

Reasoning x1

Swords of Revealing Light x1


Traps (Total 5)

Draining Shield x2

Raigeki Break x1

Sakuretsu x2


Currently looking for/obtaining


Recommended (put in)


Recommended (take out)

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I love it when people run Vanillas for absolutely no reason...




You want a beatdown? Get some Spear Dragons' date=' Chainsaw Insects and some Gene_Warped Warwolves. The rest of the Monarchs couldn't hurt either.[/quote']


Yea but thats easier said than done. I havent seen anyone with a spear besides Paul (someone we both know) and its hard getting people to trade Monarchs.

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I used to have 3 but I got tired of running Beatdown so I took it apart. In that time between then and now I traded all of my spears, my slates and my axes along with my United and Mage power so yea I only have 1 for now. As for the chainsaw insect I can probably order some like tonisanoob said

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get some axes while your there some goblin attack force and 3 skill drain ;)

in domitable fighter lei lei and fusilier dragon

also ultimate obeidiant feind, make a skill drain deck ;)


when the new dark emperor structure deck somes out apparently we will be getting soluem judgement so stick 3 of them in

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did anyone else notice that he has 42 instead of 41? by the way why run such a random number such as 42 cards? You could mess up your monster to deck/monster ration and not be able to draw what you need.


Some beginners like to run a deck with a high monster count to insure that they can survive longer in a duel. Now I'm not calling you a beginner or anything, but your math is a little off.


Lets take a look at what your deck percentages are:


Monsters = 52%

Spells = 36%

Traps = 12%



Out of your first hand you'll probably get mostly monsters With one or two spell cards and if your lucky a trap card. I know you went for a Beatdown Deck, But a good offense ralies on its defense. Personally, I like to have a more ballanced Deck percentage:


Monsters = 50%

Spells = 32.5%

Traps = 17.5%


I try my best stay close to this because I have a better chance of doing what I need done and be able to defend myself in the process.

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