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Competitive Crystal Beasts - Crystal Frenzy!


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Welcome to the Crystal Frenzy! This is my Crystal Beast Competitive deck for the Sept-Dec 2013 Format... And without further a-do the deck:

Main: 41

Monsters: (19)
Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus x3
Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle x2
Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger x2
Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle x2
Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise
Scrap Beast
Mist Valley Solider
Thunder King Rai-Oh
Summoner Monk
Tour Guide from the Underworld
Tour Bus from the Underworld
Battle Fader
Effect Veiler

Spells: (18)
Crystal Promise x2
Crystal Beacon x2
Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins x2
Crystal Release
Crystal Blessing
Crystal Abundance
Crystal Tree
Rare Value
Dark Hole
Mage Power
Pot of Duality

Traps: (6)
Magic Cylinder
Mirror Force
Bottomless Trap Hole
Torrential Tribute
Dark Bribe
Divine Wrath

Extra Deck: (15)

Synchro: (4)
Black Rosé Dragon
Crimson Blader
Scrap Dragon
Stardust Dragon

Xyz: (11)
Leviair, the Sea Dragon
Wind-Up Zenmaines
No. 30: Acid Golem of Destruction
No. 17: Leviathan Dragon
Gagaga Cowboy
No. 39: Utopia
No. 44: Sky Pegasus
Daigusto Emeral
Ice Beast Zerofyne
Lightning Chidori x2

Side Deck: (15)
Monsters: (5)
Abyss Dweller
Consecrated Light
D. D. Crow
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
Meklord Emperor Wisel

Spells: (1)
Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins

Traps: (9)
Mind Crush
Magic Deflector
Trap Stun
Horn of the Phantom Beast
Big Burn
Imperial Iron Wall
Soul Drain
Divine Wrath
Dark Bribe

Now General win Conditions:
A. Destroy/Swarm - The idea here is use cards like Scrap Dragon, Dark Hole, Lightning Chidori etc. to clear my Opponent's field and go in for lots of damage.
B. Crystal Abundance - This is the backup in case I can't just wipe the field that easily. Because my Opponent can rarely wipe my backrow easily unless they focus on it early in the game (which means that I can tend to run over them with the initial strategy) basically I wipe the field, pull out 2 Pegasus' and a Ruby. Pull out a Level 3 and a Monster with 1400 or more ATK. Summon Acid Golem and that's 8000+ right there. Plus I can Cowboy if they surprisingly have any LP left.
Occasional win - Magic Cylinder. Yea, who doesn't love a magic Cylinder in your Opponent's face when they think they are going to win?

Note: I don't use Hamon or Rainbow because this deck will just drop them into my hand when I can't use them or don't want to use them. (That and Mammoth sucks and I don't use Cat anymore because of my new Best Friend... Gagaga Cowboy.

Please comment, review and give suggestions!

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Monsters: (15)
Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus x3
Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger x3
Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle x2
Vylon Prism x1
Summoner Monk x2
Shining Angel x2
Uniflora, Mystical Beast of the Forest x2

Spells: (22)
Crystal Promise x3
Crystal Beacon x3
Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins 
Crystal Blessing x3
Rare Value x2
MST x3
Dark Hole x1
Pot of Duality x3
Upstart Goblin x3

Traps: (3)
Torrential Tribute x1
Horn of the Phantom Beast x2

Rather than list the +this -that, there's the whole list revamped, focused much more on fast Xyz Summons with Synchro capabilities.
You don't want to play many traps at all in Crystal Beast because they hog your S/T zones which should be filling up with Crystals ready to drop Ruby and explode into Chidori/Dire/etc.

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I have a feeling that you haven't run a Competitive Crystal Beast deck recently...
A few problems... First Chidori needs WIND monsters and not only Pegasus can work. (Trust me I tried it and it doesn't.) with Mist Valley Soilder and Cobalt I can drop those too and not use my precious Pegasus' there.
Upstart doesn't work in this deck. You don't want your Opponent to get free LP for a +0.
You MUST run 2-3 Ruins, if your not your missing out on the Best Field in the game.
Also don't use more then one Blessing, it's dead otherwise.
Why on earth would I use Shining Angel? It's worse then junk in a deck where I'd only want 1 LIGHT Monster in the deck who can die easily.
2 Horn isn't as good as running a Release. Release is a free Crystal which supports the deck. Horn dies easily and will most likely let you draw 1 (maybe) before it dies.
Also, why not run Bottomless Trap Hole? It works against bosses better then anything.
Prism's overhyped... It's not as great as is claimed. That and it will just clog the S/T and not give as much as Mage Power.
You do realize this deck doesn't run only Beasts right? Uriflora is junk in a non-dedicated deck.
Also, you don't have enough Crystals, you will run out too quickly and have to sit on Beacon's and Blessings with no targets which will not be of any use.
Also, I can see this set fall apart very quickly against any deck that is big on effect destruct. This cannot stop any effects from happening and is running for speed to run nowhere. That is the problem. With speed, it needs to be going towards something, not to absolutely nowhere.

Monsters: (15)
Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus x3
Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger x3
Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle x2
Vylon Prism x1
Summoner Monk x2
Shining Angel x2
Uniflora, Mystical Beast of the Forest x2

Spells: (22)
Crystal Promise x3
Crystal Beacon x3
Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins
Crystal Blessing x3
Rare Value x2
MST x3
Dark Hole x1
Pot of Duality x3
Upstart Goblin x3

Traps: (3)
Torrential Tribute x1
Horn of the Phantom Beast x2

Rather than list the +this -that, there's the whole list revamped, focused much more on fast Xyz Summons with Synchro capabilities.
You don't want to play many traps at all in Crystal Beast because they hog your S/T zones which should be filling up with Crystals ready to drop Ruby and explode into Chidori/Dire/etc.

I do like Cobalt but on the otherhand it's too weak as well. Topaz can beat down Rai-Oh's and other big monsters as well. (Cobalts clog easily)
For The Hand Traps, I am looking at where I can put more in (as well as get a Maxx "C")

Rather than Topaz, I prefer using 3x Cobalt. It's WIND for Plover, Winged Beast for Zerofyne, and it can make dead beacons live by bouncing pegasus back to the deck. Everything else is pure preference, but make sure not to run too many traps and run a decent amount of Maxx C and veilers.

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Well, Cobalt vs Topaz is more of a preference thing, actually. Both ae subpar cards that shines in different areas in different situations. Running too many traps will clog your backrow, which will suck. I'll add more Promises and Beacon if I were you, main reason is because you run Monk, which can discard them for Pegasus. Pinpoint Guard is a nice option, reviving Pegasus can be a vital turning point, but it's too damn slow. I'd also trim the deck from unnecessary techs(Mage Power, Marshmallon, things like that), and run more duality, rare value, and hand-traps.

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I'm trying to get a Pinpoint Guard to be honest. (Can't wait for Reborn to come back...)

The reason for running Marshy is because there are too many "Hi, your dead" decks. They'll endlessly spam and kill ya in a few turns. Marshy tends to slow them down even if its only 1 turn, and I've had lots of times where it won me the game.
Also I think it's so funny how people whine about Monster's who can be veil'd and forget completely about Divine Wrath. I run Bribe because I don't like relying on the Field to neg stuff.

To be honest I don't use Monk to pull Pegasus, I use Monk to Synch or Xyz so then I have a Monster that can actually attack not just look pretty and die quickly. (That's always been my thought on the best way to use it)

Too be honest, I've been playing with this deck for a while now and Trap clog isn't my problem... It's always Crystal clog (If I clog at all...) What I find is better players know when to put stuff down and when not too.

I always have problems with Rare Value... It's a card that consistently clogs my hand and comes when I don't need it. (It's been in and out of my deck a lot.)
Pot, I'm not positive is good for the deck. It needs Special Summoning and can't risk being unable too in mid to late game. (Trust me, I've been playing with this deck a lot and Pot in mid-game is bad for you. Same with No.30, That's why I only bring him out for "Special Occasions" I like to call OTK's.)
I'm also trying to figure out why so many people love Hand-Traps... I mean they're nice but I'm feeling that there is too much reliance on them. (To be honest I love when Opponent will drop Maxx "C" when I only SS 1 card or at the start of my turn. Although my favorite time when it was dropped... I activate Pot of Duality, he Chaim's Maxx "C"... Lol) I am looking for a few places to slip some stuff in though...

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