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Im Back. Dragons I guess are thing now


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Monsters x25

x3 Blaster

x3 Tidal

x3 Redox

x3 Tempest

x2 Debris

x2 Card Trooper

x2 Maxx C

x2 Effect Vieler

x2 Flamvell Guard

x1 Dandylion

x1 Coresca

x1 Swift Scarecrow

x1 Gorz


Spells x12

x2 Ravine

x2 Cards

x1 Shrine

x2 Typhoon

x1 Dark Hole

x1 Book of Moon

x1 Gold Sarc

x1 Scapegoat

x1 Terraforming 


Traps x4

x1 Return

x1 Mirror Force

x1 Non Aggression Area

x1 Castle of Dragon Souls


Do not recommend seven Swords. I can't get it right now. And Some of the cards from the extra deck im borrowing. 



Star Eater



Scrap Dragon


Black Rose 

Ancient Fairy






Gaia Dragon

Number 74 


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You should be maxing out Ravine, and Card Trooper is bad because it's going to get bladered and you're going to lose a lot. Dandy seems bad too, and Debris seems cute but my worth it.

Scapegoat's shit here, despite some people liking it, an MST in the main is a no.

Why are you not running three Seven Star Sword Ignore that. But if you're not running them you have no reason to waste money on Dragons, as they're going to suck.

Don't run Shrine because you're not running Blue-Eyes variant, and don't run Terraforming either.

Why the hell are you playing Mirror Force and Non-Aggression Area? Neither of those are good in Dragons. Play 1-2 Raigeki Break, it's essentially free removal.

I understand you're borrowing the extra, but where the hell is your Big Eye? The extra seems really meh overall.

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@Masqurade magician


Yeah Sword is a loss, but i can compensate. I do reasonably well with the deck without the swords. Typhoon I've been testing is actually pretty good. Besides i don't think you've been paying attention to the past 3 weeks including san Mateo cause i've seen a lot of player run Typhoon. 


trooper can get bladered. it s a risk, but it is in this type of deck a good risk.


Scapegoat was something to replace sword and it is a pretty decent card. I can replace it with a third ravine though. 


the reason why i didn't play break was because in my area, break is easily defended against. I decided to go a different route. 


Why would u not run terraforming? 




I'm negging 1 shrine for 1 terraforming. thanks for the tip. 

I might keep the 1 shrine. it just looks good. 

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@Masqurade magician


Yeah Sword is a loss, but i can compensate. I do reasonably well with the deck without the swords. Typhoon I've been testing is actually pretty good. Besides i don't think you've been paying attention to the past 3 weeks including san Mateo cause i've seen a lot of player run Typhoon. 


trooper can get bladered. it s a risk, but it is in this type of deck a good risk.


Scapegoat was something to replace sword and it is a pretty decent card. I can replace it with a third ravine though. 


the reason why i didn't play break was because in my area, break is easily defended against. I decided to go a different route. 


Why would u not run terraforming? 

But you can't. Maybe at a locals, but without swords, your deck is an actual joke that'll exhaust itself way too fast unless you get lucky, comparatively.


Implying every YCS Deck is good. It's still not very good in the main, especially over Break. If you're going to run MST, you might as well run a more versatile one with a non-existant "cost".


You either play Break or PWWB. You do not simply run neither for shit cards like Mirror Force.


Why would you run a dead draw that does nothing for the deck that it shouldn't already be doing? I mean, I guess you can do it witout Swords, but this goes back to no Swords being reason enough to just not play the deck in the first place as you're giving up the card that makes Dragons still Dragons.

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You should be maxing out Ravine, and Card Trooper is bad because it's going to get bladered and you're going to lose a lot. Dandy seems bad too, and Debris seems cute but my worth it.

Scapegoat's shit here, despite some people liking it, an MST in the main is a no.

Why are you not running three Seven Star Sword Ignore that. But if you're not running them you have no reason to waste money on Dragons, as they're going to suck.

Don't run Shrine because you're not running Blue-Eyes variant, and don't run Terraforming either.

Why the hell are you playing Mirror Force and Non-Aggression Area? Neither of those are good in Dragons. Play 1-2 Raigeki Break, it's essentially free removal.

I understand you're borrowing the extra, but where the hell is your Big Eye? The extra seems really meh overall.



Non Aggression Area and Mirror Force are good cards. Mirror Force is a blowout because the mirror is mainly about damage and Dracossack hardly comes up outside of Ancient Fairy combos. Stardust can make MF irrelevant, but not unmainable. Non Aggression Area is a total blowout vs the mirror and Mermails, and the consistency of dragons allows you to pick it up almost every game. MST in the maindeck is becoming standard due to trends in trap lineups. Vanity's Emptiness is falling out of favor but most Dragon decks main 7+ traps and MST is good vs like every other deck as well so there's no reason not to play three. Obviously playing MST before Raigeki Break or Wind Blast is wrong, but MST is still definitely good.


Debris is obviously amazing in this deck, but you need Trigon to make it a lot better due to all of the Ancient Fairy combos.


Dragon Shrine might as well be necessary because of the lack of swords, but I feel to make the deck work without shrine you need to play more level 1 tuners for Consonance, and then max Consonance. 2 Debris 2 Corsesca 2 Guard works very well with 3 Consonance, and you can also use Reckless Greed, a card that also fits in very well.


Keep in note that with Shrine and 2 Guard, Shrine can become a mill 2 at the cost of losing tuners, but still a mill 2.


However, to get the most use out of Ravine and MST in this deck you need to play 3. Swords takes away from the consistency to open them every game so the third Ravine is extremely important.


I don't think Goats, Gorz, Dark Hole, or Sarco are good in the main. They don't help the deck enough.

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Non Aggression Area and Mirror Force are good cards. Mirror Force is a blowout because the mirror is mainly about damage and Dracossack hardly comes up outside of Ancient Fairy combos. Stardust can make MF irrelevant, but not unmainable. Non Aggression Area is a total blowout vs the mirror and Mermails, and the consistency of dragons allows you to pick it up almost every game. MST in the maindeck is becoming standard due to trends in trap lineups. Vanity's Emptiness is falling out of favor but most Dragon decks main 7+ traps and MST is good vs like every other deck as well so there's no reason not to play three. Obviously playing MST before Raigeki Break or Wind Blast is wrong, but MST is still definitely good.


Debris is obviously amazing in this deck, but you need Trigon to make it a lot better due to all of the Ancient Fairy combos.


Dragon Shrine might as well be necessary because of the lack of swords, but I feel to make the deck work without shrine you need to play more level 1 tuners for Consonance, and then max Consonance. 2 Debris 2 Corsesca 2 Guard works very well with 3 Consonance, and you can also use Reckless Greed, a card that also fits in very well.


Keep in note that with Shrine and 2 Guard, Shrine can become a mill 2 at the cost of losing tuners, but still a mill 2.


However, to get the most use out of Ravine and MST in this deck you need to play 3. Swords takes away from the consistency to open them every game so the third Ravine is extremely important.


I don't think Goats, Gorz, Dark Hole, or Sarco are good in the main. They don't help the deck enough.


I personally like the dark hole cause it is good in other match-ups. 


What's your opinion on karma Cut? Cause i have those and they pretty much do the same thing. 


I personally like the MST's but i can test with out them. 


Goats and gorz were just defenses that are unexpected. i could neg them though if i must.


Trigon huh? I've seen billy brake play it, so it must be good. I don't know all the combos though. Unless it's straight forward. mind telling me these?

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