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Pokemon X & Y (Post Launch)


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I didn't expect it to be difficult, I just like making my life easier.


Ok, so. My Goomy currently has 160 HP EVs and 252 Sp.Atk. Should I put the rest into Def, Sp.Def or Spe?

I'm seriously doubting speed here, but undecided between which of the other 2 would be better, as it has pretty poor Def, and a lot of Sp.Def. So I'm not sure if I should beef up it's already great Sp.Def or try to give it a boost on its regular Def.

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Didn't bother to try to breed to get Shinx with a HA...got one first time. Try the same with Torchic...3rd egg typical. Lot's of grr.

Atleast you can get Sylveon after Lv 9. So I made it happy on X. It looked like some of the Pokemon on the Amie screen were having a meeting led by Florges.

Kept Y's in game name the same to avoid confusion. So Y is still Yin.


Grabbed another Torchic. Atleast my friend can get one without me breeding or stealing the stone.


Updated OP with Omega's info.

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Have any of you guys ever been swayed towards a certain Pokemon just because of their 3D model? For instance, I'd never used Croagunk or Toxicroak in my life, but the first time I saw a trainer with a Toxicroak, I was like, "That guy is looking pretty darn good, Imma go get one." And I did, and he's cool.


When all this XY stuff started, it just never really occurred to me how much a change from 2D sprites to 3D models could make something look so different, which seems silly now that I'm saying it.

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Nah, I was never affected by appearances. I always went by typing, stats and movepools much of the time.

I dislike clashing types, it just grinds me the wrong way. And due to my near obsession with variety I always choose mons with varied movepools. I wanted to use Pyroar, but the problem was is that it's pretty much stuck with Fire & Normal, as it has nothing else going for it. It's really a pity (though I fail to understand how a Special Attacker gets Moxie as an ability.)

Also, I find it funny how you get the Oval Stone after you finish the Kalos Dex, but you need to breed in order to fill it out in the first place. It's funny really.

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The best.


Anyway, I want to bring this back up.



Ok, so aside from a bulky special attacking Goodra, I was thinking of also running an extremely defensive Goodra.


Something along the lines of 160 HP / 252 Def / What's left in Sp.Def with Hydration ability, Rain Dance / Rest / Toxic and... something.

Thoughts on that, anyone? Ideas for 4th attack?


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I keep finding these 1337 breeders that have multiple shinies, non-hax, simply because they don't sleep play all day. Eventually I'm betting they'll have a full 6 31IV team of shinies.


I think that's actually impossible. I think shininess is partially based on IV combinations, and that 6 31s is not a valid combination.

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Shininess is completely unrelated to the IV combination. They're generated the same way, but they don't influence each other.

But having 6 perfect IVs on 6 different pokemon and them all being shiny is next to impossible, and isn't even worth it to begin with, considering the max perfect IVs you'll ever need is 5 to begin with.

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