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Serenade of Awe


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Not quite what I was expecting, but I'll take it.


Cheers for spending the time, Tormented.


I do have another one that I have on my main computer but the original logo is way too small to actually do anything effective-usually having a logo for a LOGO isn't that great, I'm actually not much of a logo designer I just have it as an open selection for people who don't have any other option :L

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Well... the only other thing I really wanted to see was that thunderball in the background with the sparks.


But as I've been brought up to take what I can get, I'll use the one you've done so far... at least for now.


EDIT: Also, I noticed that the N was missing from the logo. Hopefully it's not too much trouble to add that back in?

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Some updates and Striker's Order




The obnoxious black cloud has been removed, and now I feel the quality is much better





Okay so I apologize for the mistakes-added a thunderball and fixed the text




I actually personally like these pieces and I went a little experimental and I think I have captured what you were looking for.



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Sorry for the double post, but I got another order. I hope you are up for this.


Dimensions: Standard Desktop Background

Render (Not sure if this is suitable, but best one I could find): http://oi60.tinypic.com/1zz3pcp.jpg

Text: Kaname Kuran

Colors: Whatever best suits the piece

Other: This is a gift for my girlfriend. I want the text to be in the most appealing font you have/can find that best suits the piece. I want the overall style to be something that captures the imagination and the heart. 

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Dimensions: 90X90

Render: http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120704040053/thebiogateroleplay/images/e/e0/Pantherlily.png

Text: none

Colors: I would prefer a dark color scheme, perhaps blacks, greys, and reds; but feel free to use what you think best suits the piece

Other: I would prefer it if you somehow incorporated some clouds, similar to my current avi


Please and Thank You! :D

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Hey, yo, Tormy, got a request for a matching sig and avi using the same render.


Dimensions: 90x90

Render: http://i61.tinypic.com/11rzl0m.jpg

Text: N/A

Colors: Something light. White, light gray or really light purple. Basically anything that goes well with the render. 

Others: Do as you see fit. 



Medium sig size. Not obscenely large, at least

Render: See Avi request

Text: N/A

Colors: See avi request

Others: See avi request

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Dimensions: 200x200
Render: http://image.gamespotcdn.net/gamespot/images/2009/225/sackboy01-Render_71107_640screen.jpg
(Aye, I'm after this to be rendered too, jimmaeh)
Text: Two emoticons, both must be uguu-tier. They should be subtle and not too obvious!
Colors: An assortment of colours, preferably white and greens for YCM, and white and blues for Skype
Other: I'd really like you to get creative with this - maybe try something new. I am after a two in one, an avatar for both YCM and Skype. They could be simple colour variants, but I'd like to think you're too protessional to simply do that...~

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Dimensions: Award Logo Size

Render: N/A

Text: YCM 1v1 Winter Open Champion

Colors: See Other

Others: I want this award to have a wintery feel to it, but also look prestigious. The font and colors should be ones that best complements with the style of award I want to see. Also, some room for the name of the person who won it would be nice.



Dimensions: About the size of the logo I have in my sig.

Render: N/A

Text: YCM 1v1 Winter Open 2014

Colors: See Other

Others: I would like something similar to how the Award Logo is going to look.

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