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[CFV] Get Jinxed


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1 Morgenrot
4 Red Lightning
2 Schones Wetter
4 The Gong
2 Three Minutes
4 Wall Boy
[ 6 Crits / 6 Draws / 4 Heals ]

4 Blaupanzer
4 Blau Dunkelheit
3 Clay-Doll Mechanic
3 Polar Stern

4 Blaukluger
4 Mars Blaukluger
3 Grosse Baer

4 Stern Blaukluger
4 Galactic Blaukluger

Grade 2 Blaukluger is the best card in the deck. Enables way too much pressure for an early game card, goodness gracious.
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Any consideration for more Polar Stern or Shout/Flower Lei over the Mechanics?

Claydoll's actually tested to be alright as it's allowed for more Morgenrot searches, which got me into Dunkelheits. I think the most I would do is consider another Polar Stern imho, Flower Lei doesn't seem worth placing over searching more rearguards in a deck that is entirely reliant on them honestly.
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You should use less panzers for either leprechauns. You can use less sterns for something else, llike another claydoll.

Don't see the point in either Leprechauns personally. They're only good in a Mars column and even then I find myself rarely standing Mars in a game where I'm not already in the lead anyway.
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