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Name Fest Extravaganza

Not-so-Radiant Arin

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Here's something new.


Take your username in it's full length, and post it before or after the above user's username, then take one letter away from the new word.


So for example:


Poster A: Arin the NSFW


Poster B: TormentedArin the SFW


Poster C: TorentedArin the SFWToshino Kyoko


I predict some zany and weird combinations, so now gogogo.



Arin the NSFW

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ș̌̇̕ẘ̯ɐ̝́g̪͋ormentedin the NSFWAin the NSFTorentedInfinite*Rainbowig-BoyormentedDigi- BoyInfiniteRainbowSakura HarunoInfinite*Rinborin the NSFWSumireArin the NSTormentedFW


ș̌̇̕ẘ̯ɐ̝́g̪͋ormentedin the NSFWAin the NSFToyorentedInfinite*Rainbowig-BoyormentedDigi- BoyInfiniteRainbowSakura HarunoInfinite*Rinborin the NSFWSumireArin the NSTormentedFW

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